The maximum FCH 2 JU contribution that may be requested is EUR 5 million. This â¬170 million demonstration project is co-funded with â¬67 million from the European Union's Horizon 2020 programme through the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU), a public private partnership supporting fuel cell and hydrogen energy technologies in Europe. This year we are going completely digital! [FCH] Project Officer (FCH2JU/AD6/2020/03) Contract Type: Temporary staff Grade: AD6 Location: Brussels Deadline: 02/04/20 Vacancy Type: Public. The annual work plan will be made publicly available after its adoption by the Governing Board. This report is the public version of the deliverable B.3.7 "Life cycle assessment of Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies - Inventory of work performed by projects funded under FCH JU"; it is meant to provide selection of Further information is available on the FCH JU website and their social media channels. Further information is available on the FCH JU ⦠Research backed by the Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking has been scaling up this technology in view of the capacities required by industry. Executive summary The 2020 Annual Work Plan and Budget (AWP) is the seventh one on the critical path towards 2020. More information here) Affiliates (1) eligible for funding under Horizon 2020/FCH 2 JU ... Every year the FCH JU develops its Annual Work Plan (AWP) for the following year. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) this week presented the 2020 FCH JU Awards at the first-ever European Hydrogen Week. It continues to be based on the acceleration of the development of new sustainable value chains from A maximum of 1 project may be funded under this topic. More than 1,000 attendees signed up to watch the virtual ceremony which recognise the strength and diversity of European fuel cell innovation. The European fuel cell and hydrogen community will now be brought together in November instead of December in Brussels. Further information is available on the FCH JU website and their social media channels. Project Timeline. This is an eligibility criterion â proposals requesting FCH 2 JU contributions above this amount will not be evaluated. The EOI call opening on 16th January 2020 will run for 8 weeks until 12th March 2020. Europeâs Rail partnership, the successor to the current Shift2Rail Joint Undertaking, has been officially announced today by the European Commission as part of a proposal for the set-up of 10 new European Partnerships under the Horizon Europe programme. The annual FCH JU Programme Review Days will take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 November 2020 and will all be on-line. Following this, there will be a period of 6 weeks during which the project partners in conjunction with the FCH 2 JU will review the applications and select a portfolio of the 10 proposals. H2ME stations deployed 45+ stations are planned as part of the project. @fch_ju These solutions must fully demonstrate the potential of hydrogen as an energy carrier and fuel cells as energy convertors, as part of an energy system that integrates sustainable solutions and energy supplies with low carbon stationary and transport technologies. FCH JU will be covered through the financial contribution of the Union from the Horizon 2020 programme4. 09:00 Registration 09:30 Welcome address and Presentation of the FCH 2 JU Council Regulation The FCH JU has launched today, 14 January 2020, its 2020 Call for Proposals.. The Review Days precede the PrioritHy policy conference on 25 November and the European Hydrogen Forum on 26 November 2020. This entire week of events from 23 to 27 November 2020 will be dedicated to the essential role of hydrogen in reaching EUâs commitment to reach carbon neutrality by 2050. FCH JU Success Stories ENERGY High-temperature electrolysis (HTE) is a compelling proposition for the efficient production of green hydrogen and subsequent decarbonisation of many industrial processes. 2020 Participant Portal. Horizon 2020 is the new EU funding programme for research and innovation running from 2014 to 2020. The Programme Review Days will precede the Forum, on 24-25 November 2020.. Further information will be available closer to the date of the events, please follow the organiser FCHâs website and social channels for more updates. dissemination events, The maximum FCH 2 JU contribution that may be requested is EUR 5 million per project. The European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH2 JU) has launched its 2020 Call for Proposals, with â¬93 million (US$101 million) in funding available for projects which address one of the 24 topics in the current objectives for the Transport and Energy pillars, as well as Overarching and Crosscutting activities. ANNUAL WORK PLAN ANNUAL WORK PLAN 2020 10 2.1.1. 4 May 2020 Fuel Cells and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking ... (FCH 2 JU) Research grouping over 60 members Industry grouping More than 130 members 50% SME To implement an optimal research and innovation programme to bring FCH technologies to the point of market readiness by 2020. The goal of FCH JU is to develop by 2020 to the point of market readiness a portfolio of clean, efficient and affordable solutions. The project is funded by the European Commissionâs Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) and will install and operate the worldâs largest hydrogen electrolyser the ⦠FP7/FCH JU (2006-2013) H2020/FCH2 JU (2014-2020) * 470 mill EUR implemented by FCH JU + about 10 mill EUR already spent from EU 2007 budget, ... â AWP and MAWP) to shape the strategic agenda of the partnership and priorities of FCH 2 JU calls for proposals (e.g. The Review Days precede the PrioritHy policy conference on 25 November and the European Hydrogen Forum on 26 November 2020. Expected duration: 4 years This is an eligibility criterion â proposals requesting FCH 2 JU contributions above this amount will not be evaluated. Hydrogen can contribute up to 24 percent of Europeâs energy needs, reduce CO 2 emissions by 650 million metric tons, create 5.4 million jobs and generates â¬820 billion annually in Europe by 2050, according to an FCH JU study. News: 12/06/2020: Project Development Assistance (PDA) kicks off with selected regions. The competition was run during Q1 2020, ... FCH 2 JUâs Website. Its simplified On the European Commissionâs Participant Portal5 you can find FCH JU call information under H2020/Funding opportunities6. The Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU) has announced a new date for this yearâs Stakeholder Forum 2020. The Review Days precede the PrioritHy policy conference on 25 November and the European Hydrogen Forum on 26 November 2020. This week, for its last Annual Work Plan (AWP) of its Multi-annual Work Plan within the H2020 program, the FCH JU (Fuel Cell and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking) published its AWP 2020 and calls for 24 new project proposals. (FCH 2 JU) 2018 ANNUAL WORK PLAN and BUDGET In accordance with the Statutes of the FCH2 JU annexed to Council Regulation (EU) No 559/2014 and with [Article 31] of the Financial Rules of the FCH 2 JU. The REFHYNE project is at the forefront of the effort to supply Clean Refinery Hydrogen for Europe. FCH 2 JU: Call for proposals 2020 19 FCH-01-7-2020: Extending the use cases for FC trains through innovative designs and streamlined administrative framework Develop new FC-powered train designs Innovative prototype design to be tested (demonstrate TRL 7) Can address: regional trains, shunting or main line locomotives or by . FCH 2 JU support to Research and Innovation Activities ... 2 âFCH in FP7/H2020 3 âProject portfolio and achievements 4 âCall 2015 -AWP topics OUTLINE. Meanwhile a large number of projects under both FCH JU and FCH 2 JU have performed work on LCA for various technologies and processes. The FCH JU has distributed EU funds for projects related to fuel cells and hydrogen, first under Framework Program 7 (FP7) from 2008-2013 and, as the Fuel Cell and Hydrogen 2 Joint Undertaking (FCH 2 JU), under the Horizon 2020 Program (H2020) from ⦠Contacting FCH 2 JU via E-Mail. The annual FCH JU Programme Review Days will take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 November 2020 and will all be on-line. It contains a call for proposals prepared on the basis of the work of the technical committees. Please note that this yearâs FCH-JU Stakeholder Forum will take place on 26 November 2020, not on 10 December 2020, like initially announced.. FCH 2 JU on: ⢠the status of relevant national or regional research and innovation programmes and identification of potential areas of cooperation, including deployment of FCH technologies to allow synergies and avoid overlaps; ⢠specific measures taken at national or regional level with regard to . Draft agenda. The annual event âProgramme Review Days (PRD) 2020â will take place virtually. The annual FCH JU Programme Review Days will take place on Monday 23 and Tuesday 24 November 2020. 18/05/2020: 11 European regions to benefit from the FCH JUâS Project Development Assistance (PDA) initiative. The day will be devoted to describing the topics of the upcoming call, the new rules for proposal submissions, and will also give insight to the FCH JU's Multi-Annual Work Programme for the period 2014-2020 and the 2014 Annual Work Programme. The call includes 24 topics aimed at addressing the current objectives for the Transport and Energy pillars, as well as Overarching and Crosscutting activities: Central evaluation in Brussels (consensus meeting) and panel meeting: 8 â 12 June 2020 FCH-02-9-2020: Fuel cell for prime power in data-centres; The maximum FCH 2 JU ⦠Call topics (funding action), maximum FCH 2 JU contribution or amount considered appropriate to address the topic Indicative budget (Mâ¬) FCH-01-1-2020: Development of hydrogen tanks for electric vehicle architectures (RIA), â¬2M 2 FCH-01-2-2020: Durability-Lifetime of â¦