Das Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy wurde 2016 in London und 2018 in Berlin von Marissa Conway, Kristina Lunz und Nina Bernarding gegründet, inspiriert von der ehemaligen schwedischen Außenministerin Margot Wallström, die 2014 erstmals den Begriff „feministische Außenpolitik“ einführte.. 2020 startete die Organisation gemeinsam mit dem Verein Women in … English; Español; Français; Italiano; Português; Home About the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP): We are an international feminist and women-led research and advocacy organisation focused on intersectional feminism and foreign policy. Feminist foreign policy is one tool that shows promise for taking a much-needed, intersectional and often multilateral approach to women’s rights, simultaneously addressing urgent issues such as climate change, peace and security, inclusive growth, global health and poverty alleviation. CFFP seeks to create lasting systemic change by rebalancing power inequalities that perpetuate an exclusionary, patriarchal foreign policy status quo rooted in colonialism, capitalism, and imperialism. This means that roughly 50% of the population, who get just as affected, if not more, by the foreign policy decisions taken, don’t get a say: womxn. Its business is fundamental physics, finding out what the Universe is made of and how it works. A feminist foreign policy must be responsive to the needs of women’s and gender justice movements, and it must create spaces and opportunities. Our primary goal during this pandemic is to make sure that around the world, our focus is on protecting the most vulnerable and ensuring that governments’ responses to this pandemic don’t trigger a roll back on women’s and human rights. Am Donnerstag, den 20. The collaboration aims to strengthen cooperation in the fields of gender equality, climate change, sustainable development, and global citizenship through the lens of intersectional feminism. Africa Asia Canada Canadian Foreign Policy China Cold War Commonwealth COVID-19 Defence and Intelligence Democracy Disability economics Economy Environment Europe Five eyes Fragile States France Gender Health Human Rights Indigenous Peoples International Development International Law International Relations International Security International Trade Latin America … Feminist Foreign Policy: What’s in a name? Apply for a position today to help shape the future of feminist foreign policy. However, apart from the appointment of two staff, few extra resources have been allocated. Every policy option must be explored, as many diverse perspectives … As transnational feminists united against militarization and war, we call for a feminist foreign policy that reorients the United States’ role in the global community to prioritize interdependence, connection and cooperation, justice, valuing people and the planet over profit, and protecting the most vulnerable among us. In foreign policy, too, androcentrism dominates. Follow us: https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org/, Contact us: https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org/contact/, Become a member: https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org/membership/. First, a feminist approach brings clarity to the values of U.S. foreign policy: the focus on understanding power places protecting and promoting human rights and advancing equity, through acting in solidarity with others, at the heart of the values underlying efforts … The WoX network is brought to you by the Centre For Feminist Foreign Policy.. We are a charitable organisation (gemeinnützige GmbH) so we can easily send a donation receipt to you - let us know. Setting feminist values as the filter through which decisions are made means that FFP centres the needs of vulnerable people (who are often the most impacted by foreign policy) as the most important aspect of all policymaking processes. Geschichte. All rights reserved. And why is it important to re-evaluate defence and security policies through a decidedly feminist lens? Filtern. Foreign policy affects every aspect of our lives, and is determined by an elite few whom often operate to maintain the status quo and institutional bias.. With your support, we … CFFP draws on lessons from critical feminist and race scholarship so that we can: Develop actionable policy recommendations in order to make foreign policy … That policy was informed by further work done by ICRW to develop a global framework for feminist foreign policy. ", is out! You can also directly transfer to our bank account - we’d be so grateful: Account holder: CFFP gGmbH; IBAN: DE30 4306 0967 1224 3077 00. CFFP is proud to lead the way in making foreign policy more feminist, more transparent, and more intersectional. Views from the Center. According to the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP), “a feminist approach to foreign policy provides a powerful lens through which we can interrogate the hierarchical global systems of power that have left millions of people in a perpetual state of vulnerability.”. Towards a New Global Consensus on Equity, Human Dignity and Planetary Thriving Through a Progressive Feminist US Foreign Policy, Resistance and Relationships at the US-Mexico Border: Reconceptualising Power and Security in U.S.A. Policy, Violent Connections and Gendered Harms: A Feminist Analysis of ‘Israel’s’ Asylum Regime. For example, under an FFP framework, immigration policymakers would work directly with asylum seekers to create the most supportive systems for … Alle Themen; außenpolitik; feminismus; kristina lunz; margot wallström; peacekeeping; schweden; sicherheitspolitik; sicherheitsrat ; Feature Ohne Feminismus wird das nichts mit dem Weltfrieden! The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy highlight the voices of those around the world working to promote equality and challenge the status quo. By continuing to browse this site, you agree to our use of cookies. When available, positions will be either on our remote global team or for candidates based in London and Berlin. Recognizing the diverse perspectives offered by feminism, to us, a feminist foreign policy is a framework which elevates the everyday lived experience of marginalized communities and provides a broader and deeper analysis of global issues. With your support, we can expand our reach exponentially. Sweden established this policy in 2014 after many years of promoting gender equality and human rights nationally and internationally. In support of actors that are determined to protect and advance human rights for all, the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, financi Register as an expert and together we will diversify foreign policy. Cart 0. “Her topics are feminism, foreign policy and educational equality: Kristina Lunz is the founder of the Center for Feminist Foreign Policy and, with her Oxford degree, the first university graduate in her family. Kristina Lunz has a huge job on her hands. She is best known for coining the term “Intersectionality” in 1989. Feminist foreign policy is gaining momentum around the world. I am daily in awe of the astonishing community of inspiring and ambitious feminists we’ve built over the year. Das Gewerbe Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy gGmbH mit dem Standort in Sparrstraße 3 a, 13353 Berlin wurde gemeldet im Handelsregister Charlottenburg (Berlin) unter der Registernummer HRB 196999 B. Das Motiv der Firma ist 2.1 Die Gesellschaft verfolgt ausschließlich und unmittelbar gemeinnützige Zwecke im Sinne des Abschnitts "Steuerbegünstigte Zwecke" der Abgabenordnung (§§ 51 ff. Without it, we can never fully comprehend the consequences state decisions have on individuals, nor move forward toward a more equitable, peaceful future. We are so thrilled to announce that our Co-Founders Marissa Conway and Kristina Lunz are on the 2019 list. “Feminist foreign policy aims to ensure that all people can lead a dignified life,” Bias says. . 10.3k Followers, 168 Following, 483 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Centre for FFP (@feministforeignpolicy) The feminist foreign policy movement is a marathon. Closer to home, IWDA has produced comparative analysis of existing feminist foreign policies, and developed a position paper outlining the case for Australia to adopt a feminist foreign policy. 10.3k Followers, 168 Following, 483 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Centre for FFP (@feministforeignpolicy) Zusammen mit Expert*innen von politischen Institutionen, Aktionsbündnissen, Parteien und NGOs sprachen die Gründerinnen Marissa Conway und Kristina Lunz im Microsoft Atrium in Berlin vor rund 200 Gästen über ihre Vision einer feministischen … Finally, to support the foreign service and to coordinate the work, Ms Ann Bernes was appointed ambassador for gender equality and feminist foreign policy in 2015. The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) is a membership-based research and advocacy organization that promotes a feminist approach to foreign policy. The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy highlight the voices of those around the world working to promote equality and challenge the status quo. A little over a year ago I found myself fresh out of graduate school with an MA in Gender Studies under my belt. It looks at Germany’s political will to ignore institutional racism and defines institutional racism as a threat to Germany's democracy. Achieving an Australian foreign policy guided by feminist principles and practice will require a long-term vision and concerted effort across government. Instead, the aim is to change the programming of development assistance, ensure to always raise gender equality in speeches and … Continuing to resource the Ambassador for Women and Girls' role to advance gender equality through foreign policy will be critical. “Feminist foreign policy” appears to be the flavour of the month. The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy is proud to lead the way in making foreign policy more feminist, more transparent, and more intersectional. As transnational feminists united against militarization and war, we call for a feminist foreign policy that reorients the United States’ role in the global community to prioritize interdependence, connection and cooperation, justice, valuing people and the planet over profit, and protecting the most vulnerable among us. As a young grassroots organization, all positions at CFFP are currently volunteer-based. Foreign policy impacts every aspect of our lives and is determined by an elite few - who often maintain the patriarchal status quo. Today in much of the Global North, foreign policy professionals are very pale, male, stale (and Yale!). The Swedish Government pursues a feminist foreign policy. https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org/, https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org/contact/, https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.org/membership/, Impactpool's Academic Partnership Program. The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy was founded not solely for those already sympathetic to a feminist agenda, but to bring everyone on a journey to push the boundaries of foreign policy and encourage a more people- oriented policymaking process. September 2018, hat der deutsche Ableger des Center for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) erstmals seine Arbeit vorgestellt. centre for feminist foreign policy. Through research, advocacy, and community building, CFFP is working to make foreign policy more accessible and diverse. Founded in 2016, CFFP provides a platform for engagement and advocacy to see a feminist approach to the foreign policy … The feminist foreign policy paper is the result of a lengthy process of discussions, research, and consultations with more than 100 feminist activists in more than 40 countries. The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy is proud to lead the way in making foreign policy more feminist, more transparent, and more intersectional. Feminist Foreign Policy. THE CFFP STORY. The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) is a membership-based research and advocacy organization that promotes a feminist approach to foreign policy. Alone, transforming the institution of foreign policy is … Mexico becomes the latest country to release a feminist foreign policy, with the government last week publishing a road map for how it will put gender at the center of its international engagement. Promoting a People-Centred Foreign Policy. [1][2] Klingt naiv? Feminist foreign policy – for peace, security and sustainable development Foto: UN Photo/Ryan Brown . In just one country, Nepal, the reinstatement of the policy has led to job losses across the development sector, the loss of huge amounts of funding from USAid, and has had a clear impact on the government’s plans to draw up a ten year plan to combat maternal mortality ... Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy. Sweden established this policy in 2014 after many years of promoting gender equality and human rights nationally and internationally. Kristina Lunz und Nina Bernarding, Leiterinnen des Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy in Deutschland legen dar, warum eine friedliche Welt eine Utopie bleiben wird, solange Außenpolitik nicht feministisch ist. Foreign policy affects every aspect of our lives, and is determined by an elite few whom often operate to maintain the status quo and institutional bias.. We’re so excited to announce our latest Policy Briefing, “Wake up, Almanya! Toggle navigation. The CFFP has quickly developed to be a leading and recognized the voice on feminist foreign policy, and currently operates in a global remote team, along with regional branches in the UK and Germany. Abonnieren 0 Themen Übersicht Filter: Alle. When discussing nuclear weapons, the human experience must be at the center. But what makes a foreign policy 'feminist'? Seeing a need for stronger civil society engagement with feminist foreign policy, Marissa Conway launched the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP), the first NGO in the world to advocate for feminist foreign policy, in London in December 2016. Actors working to restrict the rights of women and of LGBTQI* have been gaining ground globally - on the streets, in national parliaments, and in multilateral fora. Last August, I joined a group of researchers and advocates, many of whom previously served in US development and diplomatic posts, to contemplate what a “feminist foreign policy” might look like for the United States government. As an organization, we hope to challenge the traditional foreign policy that is elite and often lacks diversity and further perpetuates patriarchal structures which continue to subjugate marginalized communities and normalizes both male and Western perspectives. Stephen Colegrave speaks to Kristina Lunz, co-founder of the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, on why we need to fundamentally alter the lens through which we view foreign policy and how it is conducted. Website and graphics by www.marissaconway.com. Feminist foreign policy – for peace, security and sustainable development Foto: UN Photo/Ryan Brown. Starting the new year with a new partnership, the BKMC and the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) signed a Memorandum of Understanding. The Swedish Government pursues a feminist foreign policy. We’ve collated feminist resources (which will be continually updated) on coronavirus to keep us all informed. Founded in 2016, CFFP provides a platform for engagement and advocacy to see a feminist approach to the foreign policy adopted globally. All the latest breaking UK and world news with in-depth comment and analysis, pictures and videos from MailOnline and the Daily Mail. The goals set under this policy framework should be “SMARTIE” (specific, measurable, answerable, relevant, time-bound, inclusive and equitable) objectives, making it possible for those charged with implementation, Congress, and civil society to have a clear shared understanding of precisely what the U.S. Strategy for Feminist Foreign Policy seeks to accomplish and through what means. March 3, … The (Indian Diaspora) Female Search for Love: Black Feminist Theory as a Paradigm to Deconstruct the Importance of Romantic Love in the Domestic Lives of Women of Colour Abroad, The Case for Menstruation: The Path Towards Equality, Sustainability, and Social Change, Decolonising Sexual & Reproductive Health, Back to the Past: Brazil’s Backlash of Reproductive Justice in its Domestic and Foreign Policy. Top Schlagworte zum Thema centre for feminist foreign policy. She is also one of the co-founders of The African American Policy Forum (AAPF) as well as the Centre for Intersectionality and Social Policy Studies at Columbia. An intersectional feminist perspective has been increasingly implemented in academia and activism, but less so in policy practice. Join New America's New Models of Policy Change Initiative and our partners at the International Center for Research on Women for a virtual event as a coalition of more than 50 leading humanitarian, foreign policy, and women's rights groups launches a vision for a feminist foreign policy in the United States.. Read the paper: Toward a Feminist Foreign Policy in the United States. Please join our feminist movement and support us with your donation or by becoming a member Find out more: https://centreforfeministforeignpolicy.… # StopSexistFunding # cffpMember See More Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy Her work focuses on civil rights, Black feminist theory and Critical Race Theory. Feed. Don't worry - we won't share your information. Based on the values of intersectionality, collaboration, and integrity, CFFP is deeply committed to ethical hiring practices and building a diverse team. In other words, men and the male perspective are both consciously and unconsciously regarded as the standard in politics, culture and history. Indeed, the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy (CFFP) would not exist in its current capacity had it not been for the courage of Wallström, who herself is standing on the shoulders of giants. Adding a feminist twist to foreign policy. Die Studie über Waffenexporte und VNSR 1325 untersucht die Verbindung von deutschen Waffenexporten und geschlechtsspezifischer Gewalt. ⚡️. In return for your work, CFFP can offer you skills development, mentorship, and the opportunity to leave your mark on an organization emerging as a leader in foreign policy. Women in Foreign Policy is working to change this. While we are still trying to understand what that means, we have Margot Wallström to thank for popularising the term. A feminist foreign policy is one that moves beyond limiting language, and centers women and all marginalized voices, including trans and intersex folks. Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy Political Organization London, UK 5,063 followers We are the Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy - an international research and advocacy organisation. The Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy is proud to lead the way in making foreign policy more feminist, more transparent, and more intersectional. In establishing its new feminist foreign policy, Mexico saw the potential hypocrisy of sponsoring gender equality worldwide while failing to address inequalities present in some of its governmental organizations. In short: feminist foreign policy is foreign policy for the future. Forced Migration, Human Trafficking, and the Issue of Consent: What Role for a Feminist Foreign Policy? Copyright © 2020, Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy. Feminist foreign policy is one tool that shows promise for taking a much-needed, intersectional and often multilateral approach to women’s rights, simultaneously addressing urgent issues such as climate change, peace and security, inclusive growth, global health and poverty alleviation. Prior to Mexico, said Marissa Conway, a co-founder of the Europe-based Centre for Feminist Foreign Policy, ... British Prime Minister Is a Broken Job.