Neue Funktionen in iOS 14. Mit eimen Klick Daten auf das Samsung S20 übertragen. Neue Funktionen in iOS 14. Schritt 3 Die Reparatur des iOS Systemes starten Sobald das Firmware-Paket schon erfolgreich heruntergeladen wird, klicken Sie auf „Jetzt reparieren“, um die Systemwiederherstellung zu starten. Sowohl nah dem Update von iOS 14 als auch geht das nicht mehr plötzlich an. 6 Tipps zur Behebung von iPhone Vibrationen ohne Grund (iOS 12/11.4/11.3 Unterstützt) Gmail funktioniert nicht auf dem iPhone? Aktien verkaufen sich schnell, seien Sie schnell Das bewegliche Hintergrundbild beim iPhone ist nicht neu sondern schon seit einigen iOS-Versionen fester Bestandteil von Apples mobilen Betriebssystem, genauer gesagt schon seit iOS 7. Copyright © 2021 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. sind schon alle synchronisiert. iOS 14 Update-Probleme & Fehlerbehebungen . Tipps und Tricks zur Behebung aller Probleme mit iOS-Updates. Generation 12,9 Zoll iOS 14.1 ständig drehender Ladekreis . Unterstützte iPhone-Modelle. Bei meinem neunen iPhone SE2 mit iOS 14.2 ist bei Nutzung ein nahezu ständig drehender Ladekreis der Netzwerkaktivität zu sehen, auch wenn ich keine Netzaktivitäten vornehme. New Privacy features improve user transparency and control over how apps access your location, photos, microphone, and camera. Messages introduces pinned conversations and brings improvements to groups and Memoji. The MyHyundai app makes getting information about your Hyundai vehicle easier than ever. Normal sollte dies ja nicht sein. Hier sind 6 Tipps; Schwarzer Bildschirm der iPhone Kamera nach dem iOS 12 Upgrade, Wie wird das Problem behoben? Schritt 3 Die Reparatur des iOS Systemes starten Sobald das Firmware-Paket schon erfolgreich heruntergeladen wird, klicken Sie auf „Jetzt reparieren“, um die Systemwiederherstellung zu starten. iPad Pro, iPadOS 14 Gepostet am 05. For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website: Some features may not be available for all regions or on all Apple devices. sind schon alle synchronisiert. Version wählen: Durch das Ändern dieser Steuerung wird die Seite neu geladen. Mehr Weniger. Unterstützte iPhone-Modelle. Want to get the update or having issues updating? You may use remote start again for an additional 10 minutes, but after 20 minutes of total operation, the engine must be started manually. Es erscheint der Ladekreis und nix passiert. Der Ladekeis läuft seit ca. … Übertragung auf iPhone 12/12 Pro (Max) Tipps und Tricks zum Übertragen aller Daten auf Ihr neues iPhone. Der Ladekeis läuft seit ca. iOS 14 . iOS 14.4 includes the following improvements for your iPhone: This release also fixes the following issues: For information on the security content of Apple software updates, please visit this website: Habe bei meinem neuen iPhone SE2 und iOS 14.2 das gleiche Problem. Normal sollte dies ja nicht sein. Ich habe ein IPhone X iOS 14.3 Bei der Version 1.2.2 musste ich mich andauernd neu anmelden um die App nutzen zu können, aber mit dieser Version lässt sich die App noch nicht mal starten. Ps. Severe weather information displays government-issued alerts about certain severe weather events including tornados, winter storms, flash floods and more, for the U.S., Europe, Japan, Canada, and Australia, Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking on AirPods Pro places sounds anywhere in space, creating an immersive surround sound experience, Automatic device switching transfers audio from your iPhone, iPad, iPod touch, and Mac, Battery notifications let you know if you need to charge your AirPods, A recording indicator is displayed whenever an app has access to the microphone or camera, Approximate location can now be shared with an app, rather than sharing your precise location, Limited Photos library access gives you the option to share only selected photos with an app whenever an app asks for access, App and web developers can now offer the option for you to upgrade your existing accounts to Sign in with Apple, Back Tap is a quick way to trigger accessibility features by tapping on the back of your iPhone, Headphone accommodations amplify soft sounds and adjust certain frequencies, customized for an individual’s hearing, Sign language prominence in FaceTime detects when a participant is using sign language and makes the person prominent in a Group FaceTime call, Sound Recognition uses on-device intelligence to detect and identify important sounds such as alarms, and alerts you to them using notifications, VoiceOver Recognition uses on-device intelligence to recognize elements on your screen to improve VoiceOver support for app and web experiences, Image descriptions read complete-sentence descriptions of images and photos within apps and on the web, Text recognition speaks the text identified within images and photos, Screen Recognition automatically detects interface controls to aid in navigating apps, Important details about each app are displayed in a glanceable, scrollable view, including a way to see the games your friends are playing, Coming Soon gives you a sneak peek at upcoming Apple Arcade games and you can automatically download them as soon as they’re released, See All Games is improved with sorting and filtering by release date, updates, category, controller support and more, Achievements are browsable right from within the Apple Arcade tab, Continue Playing makes it easy to resume recently played games across devices, Game Center dashboard showcases your profile, friends, achievements, leaderboards and more, all from within your game, Apple Cash can be enabled for up to five family members under 18, Send money to your child through Messages or by asking Siri, Notifications for purchases or person to person payments as they occur, Parental controls to limit who your children can send money to, Option to turn off Apple Cash for family members under 18, Shared oversight with another adult in your Family Sharing group, Location Anchors in ARKit 4 enables apps to place AR experiences at a specific geographic coordinate, Extended face tracking support is extended to the new iPhone SE, Video textures in RealityKit enable apps to apply video to any part of a scene or virtual object, Improved shot-to-shot performance speeds up the time to first shot and makes shooting photos even faster, QuickTake video can now also be captured on iPhone XS and iPhone XR when in Photo mode, Quick toggles in Video mode to change video resolution and frame rate from the Camera app, Updated Night mode capture experience on iPhone 11 and iPhone 11 Pro provides guidance to help you stay steady throughout the capture, as well as an option to cancel the shot mid-capture, Exposure compensation control lets you lock an exposure value for an entire camera session, Mirror front camera lets you capture selfies that match the front camera preview, Improved QR code reading to scan codes, even if they are small or wrapped around objects, New categories of supported apps for parking, EV charging, and quick food-ordering, Share ETA and send audio messages with Siri, Horizontal status bar support for cars with portrait screens, Chinese and Japanese keyboard support gives users an additional option to search for points of interest, Improved video quality with up to 1080p resolution on iPhone X and later, New eye contact feature uses machine learning to subtly adjust the position of your eyes and face to make video calling more natural even when you’re looking at the screen instead of the camera, APFS encryption support for external drives, Wind Down helps you create a pre-bedtime routine with apps and shortcuts, like listening to a relaxing playlist, Custom sleep schedules help you meet your sleep goals with bedtime reminders and wakeup alarms, Sleep mode minimizes distractions during Wind Down and Bedtime by turning on Do Not Disturb and simplifying your Lock screen, Health Checklist helps you track and manage health and safety features in one place, New Mobility category in the Health app, including metrics measured by iPhone 8 or later like walking speed, double support time, step length, and walking asymmetry. Ps. iPhone – Benutzerhandbuch. (18J386), iPad Pro 3 (11-inch, Cellular, 1TB Model), iPad Pro 3 (12.9-inch, Cellular, 1TB Model), iPhone10,3,iPhone10,6_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw. iOS 14.0 Tipps und Tricks zur Behebung aller Probleme mit iOS-Updates. On-device dictation helps protect your privacy by performing all processing completely offline. Want to get the update or having issues updating? Unter diesem Fall kann man iPhone nicht neu starten oder iPhone lädt nicht mehr. Unter iOS: Sounds/Töne in der Facebook App ausschalten Mit dem iPhone sind viele Menschen vor allem lautlos unterwegs. Das die Telekom das mitmacht wundert mich. App Clips introduce a way to quickly discover and use a small part of an app. Benutzerhandbuch durchsuchen Suche löschen Inhaltsverzeichnis. iOS 14 updates the core experience of iPhone with redesigned widgets on the Home Screen, a new way to automatically organize apps with the App Library, and a compact design for phone calls and Siri. iOS 14.3 includes support for Apple Fitness+ and AirPods Max. Das die Telekom das mitmacht wundert mich. iOS 12 wird sich auf allen iPhone- und iPad-Modellen installieren lassen, auf denen auch iOS 11 installiert werden kann. Möchte hier zu dem Bug mal einen eigenes Thema aufmachen. Ich habe ein IPhone X iOS 14.3 Bei der Version 1.2.2 musste ich mich andauernd neu anmelden um die App nutzen zu können, aber mit dieser Version lässt sich die App noch nicht mal starten. iOS 14 updates the core experience of iPhone with redesigned widgets on the Home Screen, a new way to automatically organize apps with the App Library, and a compact design for phone calls and Siri. Falls Ihr iPhone nicht reagiert und ständig der Ladekreis angezeigt wird, liegt dies in den meisten Fällen an einem Softwarefehler. iOS 13 . Generation 12,9 Zoll iOS 14.1 ständig drehender Ladekreis . Alle Infos zur Fehlerbehebung haben wir in diesem Praxistipp für Sie zusammengefasst. ruckeln und relativ lange zum "Nachladen" benötigen. Übertragung auf iPhone 12/12 Pro (Max) Tipps und Tricks zum Übertragen aller Daten auf Ihr neues iPhone. Benutzerhandbuch durchsuchen Suche löschen Inhaltsverzeichnis. iOS 14 updates the core experience on iPhone, includes significant app updates, and other new features. : iOS: Dauerhaft drehender Ladekreis in Statusbar Mit dem Update auf iOS 7.1 hat sich bei einigen Nutzern ein nerviger Bug hervorgetan, der auch in späteren iOS-Versionen vorkommt. iPad Pro, iPadOS 14 Gepostet am 05. Sie bekommt immer die Meldung, dass ein Update gefahren werden soll. Alle Infos zur Fehlerbehebung haben wir in diesem Praxistipp für Sie zusammengefasst. Hat vielleicht jemand eine Idee was das sein könnte? Mehr Weniger. Guten Abend Es gibt ja in diesem Forum einige Hinweise, dass Videos nicht korrekt abgespielt werden resp. Viele Benutzer haben iPhone 8/8 Plus schwarzer Bildschirm mit dem weißen Ladekreis gemeldet. Vergleichen Sie Iphone 6 Angebote, um große Einsparungen zu erzielen. Ich habe ein seltsames Problem mit meinem iPhone 5, das meiner Meinung nach mit dem Akku zusammenhängt, aber möglicherweise etwas anderes ist. (18A373), iPhone11,8,iPhone12,1_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPadOS 14.0 Lesen Sie bitte diese Anleitung, die Ihnen Ursache analysieren und Praxistipps auflisten. Fotos etc. Anscheinend testen die Ihre Eigene Software nicht. Signed IPSW files can be restored via iTunes. iOS 12 . Next-hour precipitation chart shows a minute-by-minute forecast of the intensity of rain or snow over the coming hour for the U.S. iOS: Dauerhaft drehender Ladekreis in Statusbar Mit dem Update auf iOS 7.1 hat sich bei einigen Nutzern ein nerviger Bug hervorgetan, der auch in späteren iOS-Versionen vorkommt. Symptome Die Batterieanzeige ist falsch. Hallo mein Ladekreis neben dem WLAN zeichen dreht sich unaufhörlich.. auch wenn ich die Hintergrund Aktualisierung ausschalte dreht es sich weiter.. was kann ich tun ? vier Tagen nahezu ständig wenn ich es nutze. This update includes bug fixes for your iPhone. Überprüfen Sie 7 Tipps hier; E-Mail-Push-Benachrichtigung funktioniert nicht in iOS 11.4/12/13/14? Die Meistens der iOS-Nutzer haben das Problem bestimmt gestoßen haben, dass iPhone nicht mehr angehen. Funktioniert Ihr iPhone zwar, aber der Bildschirm bleibt schwarz, deutet dies auf einen Display-Fehler hin. Mein IPhone zeigt einen dauerhaft drehenden Ladekreis in der Statusbar an, obwohl die Hintergrundaktualisierung ausgeschaltet ist. Fotos etc. This release also includes other features and improvements. Maps adds cycling directions and makes it easier to find places you'll love with Guides. Unsigned IPSWs cannot currently be restored via iTunes. Schritt 4 Das iPhone 11 System wird erfolgreich wiederhergestellt Um diesen zu beheben, können Sie den Restore Mode oder notfalls auch den DFU Mode verwenden, um Ihr iPhone wiederherstellen zu lassen. Die Meistens der iOS-Nutzer haben das Problem bestimmt gestoßen haben, dass iPhone nicht mehr angehen. Fotos etc. Messages introduces pinned conversations and brings improvements to groups and Memoji. vier Tagen nahezu ständig wenn ich es nutze. iOS 14.0 (18A373) 16th September 2020 4.89 GB: iPhone10,3,iPhone10,6_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw: Follow @iOSReleases Telegram Bot r/jailbreak. Hallo mein Ladekreis neben dem WLAN zeichen dreht sich unaufhörlich.. auch wenn ich die Hintergrund Aktualisierung ausschalte dreht es sich weiter.. was kann ich tun ? TippCenter › Mobil › iOS › iPhone X geht nicht mehr an – so schaffen Sie Abhilfe iPhone Auch bei den neusten Smartphones wie dem iPhone X kann es immer mal wieder vorkommen, dass das Gerät aufgrund eins technischen Problems nicht mehr reagiert. Übertragung auf Samsung S20 . iOS 14 Update-Probleme & Fehlerbehebungen . Willkommen. TippCenter › Mobil › iOS › iPhone X geht nicht mehr an – so schaffen Sie Abhilfe iPhone Auch bei den neusten Smartphones wie dem iPhone X kann es immer mal wieder vorkommen, dass das Gerät aufgrund eins technischen Problems nicht mehr reagiert. (18A373), iPad_Spring_2020_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPhone11,2,iPhone11,4,iPhone11,6,iPhone12,3,iPhone12,5_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPad_64bit_TouchID_ASTC_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPad8,11,iPad8,12_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPad_Educational_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPad_Spring_2019_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPad_Educational_2020_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPhone_4.0_64bit_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, iPad_64bit_TouchID_14.0_18A373_Restore.ipsw, tvOS 14.0 iPhone – Benutzerhandbuch. Mit eimen Klick Daten auf das Samsung S20 übertragen. Keine Sorgen! 6 Reparieren Sie den ständigen drehenden Ladekreis mit einer Anwendung - kein Datenverlust(iPhone 12/11 und iOS 14 unterstützt) Wir haben viele nützliche Möglichkeiten zur Lösung des Spinnproblems angeboten. Unter diesem Fall kann man iPhone nicht neu starten oder iPhone lädt nicht mehr. Dictation in search uses server-based dictation in order to recognize terms you may be searching for from across the Internet. Iphone hintergrund bewegt sich. Wenn Sie unter iPhone schwarzer Bildschirm mit Spinnrad Probleme leiden, könnten diese fünf Methoden zur Fehlerbehebung auf jeden Fall Sie retten. Habe bei meinem neuen iPhone SE2 und iOS 14.2 das gleiche Problem. Man, man, man. Lesen Sie bitte diese Anleitung, die Ihnen Ursache analysieren und Praxistipps auflisten. Keine Sorgen! When you click on any Apple Software link … • iOS 12 Dev Beta 1 Erscheinungsdatum: 04.06.2018. iOS 12 Download: unterstützte Geräte. Smaller QR codes can be recognized by Camera, Option to classify Bluetooth device type in Settings for correct identification of headphones for audio notifications, Notifications for when the camera on your iPhone is unable to be verified as a new, genuine Apple camera in iPhone 12, iPhone 12 mini, iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, Image artifacts could appear in HDR photos taken with iPhone 12 Pro, Fitness widget may not display updated Activity data, Typing may be delayed and word suggestions may not appear in the keyboard, The keyboard may not come up in the correct language in Messages, Audio stories from the News app in CarPlay may not resume after being paused for spoken directions or Siri, Enabling Switch Control in Accessibility may prevent phone calls from being answered from the Lock Screen, A new fitness experience powered by Apple Watch with studio-style workouts available on your iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV (Apple Watch Series 3 and later), New Fitness app on iPhone, iPad, and Apple TV to browse Fitness+ workouts, trainers, and personalized recommendations, Video workouts added each week in ten popular workout types: High Intensity Interval Training, Indoor Cycling, Yoga, Core, Strength, Dance, Rowing, Treadmill Walking, Treadmill Running, and Mindful Cooldown, Playlists curated by Fitness+ trainers to complement your workout, Fitness+ subscription available in Australia, Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, United Kingdom, and United States, Support for AirPods Max, new over-ear headphones, Adaptive EQ adapts sound in real time to the personal fit of ear cushions, Active Noise Cancellation to block out environmental noise, Transparency mode to hear the environment around you, Spatial audio with dynamic head tracking for a theater-like listening experience, Apple ProRAW photos can be captured on iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, Apple ProRAW photos can be edited in the Photos app, Mirror the front facing camera for still photos on iPhone 6s, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone SE, iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 8 Plus, and iPhone X, New privacy information section on App Store pages that includes a developer-reported summary of the app’s privacy practices, An all-new Apple TV+ tab makes it easy to discover and watch Apple Original shows and movies, Enhanced search so you can browse by category such as genre, and see recent searches and suggestions as you type, Top search results shown with the most relevant matches across movies, TV shows, cast, channels, and sports, Support for launching App Clips by scanning Apple-designed App Clip Codes via Camera or from Control Center, Ability to indicate pregnancy, lactation, or contraceptive use in Cycle Tracking in the Health app in order to better manage period and fertile window predictions, Air quality data is now available in Weather, Maps, and Siri for locations in China mainland, Air quality health recommendations are provided in Weather and Siri for the United States, United Kingdom, Germany, India, and Mexico at certain air quality levels, Some Messages notifications may not be received, Contact groups failed to display members when composing a message, Some videos would not appear correctly when shared from the Photos app, Spotlight search results, and opening apps from Spotlight may not work, Bluetooth could be unavailable in Settings, Devices could be prevented from charging wirelessly, MagSafe Duo Charger could wirelessly charge your iPhone at less than the maximum power, Wireless accessories and peripherals using the WAC protocol could fail to complete setup, The keyboard would dismiss when adding a list in Reminders while using VoiceOver, Made for iPhone hearing devices could have sound quality issues when listening to audio from iPhone, Lock Screen could become unresponsive on iPhone 12 mini, Over 100 new emoji, including animals, food, faces, household objects, musical instruments, gender-inclusive emoji, and more, Eight new wallpapers in both light and dark mode versions, Magnifier can detect people nearby, and report their distance using the LiDAR sensor included in iPhone 12 Pro and iPhone 12 Pro Max, Support for iPhone 12 Leather Sleeve with MagSafe, Optimized battery charging for AirPods Pro to slow the rate of battery aging by reducing the time your AirPods Pro spends fully charged, Headphone audio level notifications to alert you when audio level could impact your hearing, New AirPlay controls to stream entertainment throughout your home, Intercom support with HomePod and HomePod mini using iPhone, iPad, Apple Watch, AirPods, and CarPlay, Ability to connect HomePod to Apple TV 4K for stereo, surround sound, and Dolby Atmos audio, Option to provide statistics about Exposure Notifications, without identifying you, to participating Public Health Authorities, Apps could be out of order on the Home Screen dock, Camera viewfinder may appear black when launched, The keyboard on the Lock Screen could miss touches when trying to enter the passcode, Reminders could default to times in the past, Weather widget could display the high temperature in Celsius when set to Fahrenheit, Next-hour precipitation chart description in Weather could incorrectly indicate when precipitation stops, Voice Memos recordings are interrupted by incoming calls, The screen could be black during Netflix video playback, Apple Cash could fail to send or receive money when asked via Siri, Apple Watch app may unexpectedly close when opened, Workout GPS routes or Health data are prevented from syncing between Apple Watch and iPhone for some users, Audio is incorrectly labeled as "Not Playing” in the CarPlay Dashboard, Frame rates for graphic intensive games could be affected, Exposure Notifications is disabled when restoring iPhone from iCloud Backup or transferring data to a new iPhone using iPhone Migration, Adds support for 10-bit HDR video playback and edit in Photos for iPhone 8 and later, Addresses an issue where some widgets, folders, and icons were showing up in reduced size on the Home Screen, Addresses an issue where dragging widgets on the Home Screen could remove apps from folders, Fixes an issue where some emails in Mail were sent from an incorrect alias, Fixes an issue that could prevent incoming calls from displaying region information, Fixes an issue on some devices where selecting zoomed display mode and an alphanumeric passcode could result in the Lock Screen emergency call button overlapping with the text input box, Addresses an issue where some users were occasionally unable to download or add songs to their library while viewing an album or playlist, Fixes an issue that could prevent zeroes from appearing in Calculator, Resolves an issue where streaming video resolution could temporarily be reduced at the start of playback, Fixes an issue that prevented setting up a family member’s Apple Watch for some users, Resolves an issue where the Apple Watch case material was displayed incorrectly in the Apple Watch app, Addresses an issue in the Files app that could cause some MDM-managed cloud service providers to incorrectly display content as unavailable, Improves compatibility with Ubiquiti wireless access points, Fixes an issue that could cause default browser and mail settings to reset after restarting your iPhone, Addresses an issue that could prevent camera previews from displaying on iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, Fixes an issue that could prevent your iPhone from connecting to Wi-Fi networks, Resolves an issue that could prevent sending email with some mail providers, Addresses an issue that could prevent images from appearing in the News widget, Redesigned widgets can be placed right on the Home Screen, Small, medium and large widget sizes allow you to pick the amount of information to display, Widget stacks make the most of your Home Screen space and the Smart Stack uses on-device intelligence to surface the right widget at the right time, Widget gallery includes all available widgets to browse and choose from, Redesigned Apple widgets for Weather, Clock, Calendar, News, Maps, Fitness, Photos, Reminders, Stocks, Music, TV, Tips, Notes, Shortcuts, Battery, Screen Time, Files, Podcasts, and Siri Suggestions, The App Library automatically organizes all of your apps into categories, The Suggestions category uses on-device intelligence to show apps you’re likely to be looking for based on factors like time of day or location, The Recently Added category shows apps that were recently downloaded from the App Store, as well as App Clips that were recently launched, Ability to hide Home Screen pages to get to the App Library even faster by tapping on the dots at the bottom of the screen while in jiggle mode, Incoming Phone and FaceTime calls appear as a banner at the top of the screen, Siri has a compact design that allows you to refer to information onscreen and seamlessly launch into your next task, Picture in Picture enables watching a video or taking a FaceTime call while you use another app, Pinned conversations keep up to nine of your favorite message threads at the top of the list, Mentions let you direct a message to an individual in a group conversation, Inline replies let you reply to a specific message and see all related messages in their own view, Group photos can be customized for a shared group look, 11 new hairstyles and 19 new headwear styles to customize your Memoji, New Memoji stickers to send a fist bump, hug or blush, Cycling directions provide routes along bike lanes, bike paths, and bike-friendly roads, taking into consideration elevation or how busy a street is, Guides offer recommendations for places to eat, meet friends, or explore, curated by a selection of trusted brands, Electric vehicle routing helps you plan trips with supported electric vehicles and automatically adds charging stops along your route, Congestion zones help you route around or through active zones in cities like London or Paris, Speed cameras let you know when you’re approaching speed and red-light cameras along your route, Refine Location enables a highly accurate location and orientation when in urban areas with a poor GPS signal, An App Clip is a small part of an app that developers can create and that is discoverable at the moment you need it, and focused on a specific task, Small by design, App Clips are usable in a few seconds, Discover App Clips through tapping NFC tags or scanning QR codes, from Messages, Maps, and Safari, Recently used App Clips show up in App Library’s Recently Added category, and you can download the full version of the app if you want to keep it around, The new Translate app is designed for conversations and can work completely offline so your conversations stay private, A split-screen design in conversation mode has a single microphone button that automatically detects which of the selected languages is being spoken and transcribes the original and translated text on the correct sides of the screen, Attention mode shows translations in larger text so you can capture someone's attention, Voice and text translations are supported for any combination of 11 languages, A new compact design allows you to refer to information onscreen and seamlessly launch into your next task, Expanded knowledge brings 20x more facts than three years ago, Web answers help find answers to a broader set of questions using information from across the internet, Audio messages can be sent with Siri on iOS and CarPlay, Expanded language support for the new Siri voice and Siri translation, One place where you can find everything: search for apps, contacts, files, quick information like weather and stocks, common knowledge questions about people or places, or even quickly start a web search, Top Hit results show the most relevant information including apps, contacts, knowledge, points of interest and websites, Quick Launcher allows you to launch an app or website by typing a few characters, As-you-type search suggestions show more relevant results as soon as you start typing, Web search suggestions to launch Safari and get the most relevant web results, Start a search in apps like Mail, Messages and Files, Suggested automations help you set up automations with just a tap, A visual status at the top of the Home app gives you a summary of accessories that require your attention, Dynamic suggestions of the most relevant accessories and scenes appear in Home controls in Control Center, Adaptive Lighting automatically adjusts the color of your smart light bulbs throughout the day to maximize comfort and productivity, Face Recognition for video cameras and doorbells uses on-device intelligence to let you know who is there based on the people you’ve tagged in your Photos app and recent visitors you identify in the Home app, Activity Zones for video cameras and doorbells captures video or sends you a notification only when motion is detected in areas you define, Improved performance with an even faster JavaScript engine, A Privacy Report shows cross-site trackers that are being blocked by Intelligent Tracking Prevention, Password monitoring securely screens your saved passwords for any that may have been involved in a data breach, Web page translation (beta) translates entire web pages in English, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, French, German, Russian or Brazilian Portuguese.