“Hey, I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down. Hate speech is any expression that vilifies an identifiable group — a race, religious community, or sexual minority, for example — and thus prompts harm to members. For instance, clips start with a nerdy official from the “Bundestrollamt”, or, in English, the Official Agency against Trolls, giving facts about hate speech, but also adding humorous information. Søren Lerche is one of them. Guide on how to organise a CineForum Day: blog.nohatespeechmovement.org/organise-a-cineforum-on-8th-march Exit has also helped authorities in Germany to start a similar project and has a broad network of professional contacts all over the world, Counter and alternative narratives as a method As part of our three-year campaign to tackle London’s Hidden Harms, we want to inform you about Hate Crime, Modern Slavery and Domestic Abuse. When Antisemitic content is detected, it is exposed and complaint mechanisms are activated www.getthetrollsout.org/what-we-do/complaints.html, Counter and alternative narratives as a method A webpage which hosted the videos and facilitated the voting: www.nohate.es/concurso, A project by In the same breath as his announcement that he was running for president, Trump, speaking from Trump Tower in New York City, had this to say about Mexican immigrants: “They’re bringing drugs. Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Armenia, and Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Azerbaijan, Geographical scope Break down barriers between young refugees, youth workers and young people in Flanders, empower young refugees through youth work methods and inspire youth work organisations to involve young refugees in their activities, Actions ‘Oh, take your time,’” he said. The developers explained that “Facts often do not work with haters, so in our opinion the best thing one can do is use satire and humour to counter hate speech. Søren’s personal story deconstructs narratives of violent heroism, showing that hate and violence are futile ; he proposes an alternative narrative, that change is possible though constructive active engagement, Useful tools Incompetence and Lies: Trump Leaves Vaccine Distribution Mess for Biden to Clean Up, 2016 Republicans Condemn Trump’s 2020 Record, The Fate Of Elon Musk’s Assistant Is A Cautionary Tale For Negotiating Salary, The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century Isn’t “Sexy” Anymore, The Exact Steps I Followed to Make $1,500+ of Passive Income Every Month. Aims 30 artistic, creative and thought-provoking memes were produced. Campaign activists produced a communal anti-hate work of art together with the initiative “Hate Destroyer”, Finnish artists and the festival crowd. Scholars Karsten Muller and Carlo Schwarz observed that upticks in attacks, such as arson and assault, followed spikes in hate-mongering posts. How can you combat hate speech online? Language is an important tool for building dialogue and trust among groups in conflict, Useful tools It transformed a public space, and sensitised and engaged festival participants and passers-by, Aim This project monitors traditional and new media to uncover Antisemitic acts and speech by journalists and public figures. Søren Lerche was raised as a pacifist in Denmark, but radicalised towards political violence when he was 20 years old. With the methodology of invisible theatre, a social experiment was carried out:  hate speech offences were simulated (performed) in a public space and passers-by had to react to them. To help young people to leave Nazi, racist or other extremist movements, Actions It is based on a narrative of human rights, equality and co-operation, Useful tools Guaranteed. To raise awareness about human rights, especially the right to asylum and the need to react to hate speech against asylum seekers, Actions This process allowed them to critically review hate narratives and expressions of hate speech, and develop alternative narratives of human rights and dignity online. The pictures were shown to the public within the framework of an exhibiton in Orosháza and in several other cities, Counter and alternative narratives as a method Here are a few examples of how social media has helped unite people over a co… As antisemitism is on the increase in Europe, a leaflet is used in educational and awareness-raising activities to debunk some of the most common myths and misconceptions about Europe’s Jewish populations, Counter and alternative narratives as a method These products constitute a valuable asset which could be used in future activities and as a foundation for future projects. Translations in context of "hate campaign" in English-German from Reverso Context: The Chinese government must further stop its amoral hate campaign against Falun Gong. Labor’s “Mediscare” campaign in the 2016 federal election is an example of one such campaign that did bite. […] People need courage and humour to counter hate speech, which is why we offer satirical memes and videos to support them”. “You know, it’s amazing, I mention food stamps, and that guy who’s seriously overweight went crazy — amazing. On Facebook www.facebook.com/campanhaodionao and www.facebook.com/nohateninjas, Interesting! A living library works like a conventional one: “readers” can borrow a “book” for 20 minutes, with the difference that the books are people. In Maine, a gay man was thrown to his death off of a bridge by three teenagers, in 1984 (Out Now). The video humanises an issue, showing the actual people behind the numbers and headlines, people who have families, friends, their own stories, dreams and goals. In this respect, the project worked as a highly effective creative laboratory for joint cross-border, media-related activities”, Congress of Local and Regional Authorities, European Commission Against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI), Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity (SOGI), blog.nohatespeechmovement.org/worldplayers-youthwork-without-borders, www.youtube.com/watch?v=HST1VvWvFcM&feature=youtu.be&list=PLyizA7QCAlW25LL4D0md7LWvkAp-ty2Gv, www.nonalahaine.be/outil30:wediactivists-jeu-d-eveil-a-la-cyber-citoyennete, The Living Library Organiser's Guide 2011, www.coe.int/t/dg4/eycb/Programme/livinglibrary_en.asp, blog.nohatespeechmovement.org/a-living-library-to-say-no-hate-no-extremism, lemon.hu/2016/01/31/ne-itelj-elsore-provokativ-fotosorozatot-keszitettek-oroshazan, blog.nohatespeechmovement.org/organise-a-cineforum-on-8th-march, www.enar-eu.org/IMG/pdf/debunkingmyths_lr.pdf, www.enar-eu.org/Debunking-myths-about-Jews, www.getthetrollsout.org/what-we-do/complaints.html, www.getthetrollsout.org/what-we-do/cartoons, www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/look-refugees-in-the-eye, serve2unite.org/project/how-did-you-leave-the-gang, www.facebook.com/s2upeacemakers/posts/975463925884989, ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/spirituality-and-community-building/forgiveness-and-reconciliation/main, epfarmenia.am/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Armenia-Azerbaijan-relations-in-media-in-English.pdf, epfarmenia.am/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/glossary_eng-1.pdf, am.epfarmenia.am/wp-content/uploads/2017/11/Conflict-Transformation-School_EPF-Armenia_Annual-Report_2016.pdf, www.epfarmenia.am/en/current-programs/cross-border/armenia-azerbaijan, Disclaimer - © Council of Europe 2020 - © photo credit. someone is threatened because of where they are from or the colour of their skin; Religion – e.g. 5). To debunk some common and contemporary myths about Jews in order to counter antisemitism, Actions A new nationwide hate crime campaign aimed at increasing awareness and understanding of what constitutes a hate crime has been launched by the government. Delivering Your Own Student Council Speech. Useful tools Interesting! Aims No Hate Speech Movement – Council of Europe Youth Department, Geographical scope Hard-hitting news + analysis paired with action on the issues that matter most. The Living Library invites participants to discover the story behind the cover. To celebrate the power and braveness of human rights defenders and their counter narratives to hate, Actions However, when Trump personally responded he argued in favor of the violent treatment of the protester, stating “maybe [the Black Lives Matter protester] should have been roughed up because it was absolutely disgusting what he was doing.”, After slamming German Chancellor Angela Merkel for accepting refugees, Trump continued to tie refugees to terrorism, and even advocated for spying on American Muslims. Strasbourg, France, but adapted and replicated in several locations across Europe, Learn more A website offers information about the legal framework regulating hate speech in Germany, Counter and alternative narratives as a method The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE) and the Council’s Youth Department staged a Living Library on 30 September and 1 October 2014 at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, France. A DVD “Ce qui vous regarde… No Hate” (In French, “What Concerns You…No Hate”), A project by Portuguese Network of Young People for Gender Equality and PAR (Respostas Socias), National Campaign Committee of Portugal, co-ordinated by the Portuguese Institute of Sports and Youth, Geographical scope Findings from media monitoring are the basis for developing satirical cartoons, inclusive articles and videos which expose false claims and lies in antisemitic narratives. Serve2Unite has a programme of global mentors to support young people to become peacebuilders. The game lasts about 2 hours (introduction and debriefing included) and is especially made for young people from 12 years old upwards. Youth work is an environment where it is acceptable for young people to fail, and where they grow and learn responsibility. This is an example of an alternative narrative, as it shows positive interaction in which empathy and listening to the story of the other are central elements. These activities show the many possibilities for youth work to enable integration. A great example of policy change can be seen in the Principle 6 campaign, a partnership between All Out and Athlete Ally. It’s like incredible,” Trump said. exit.fryshuset.se, Interesting! co-ordinates the No Hate Speech Movement in Germany and is supported by a large national network, comprising civil society and government actors. Short Guide on Counter Speech on Twitter: www.stoppinghate.getthetrollsout.org Are we serious?”. He explained that many people who had left violent extremism talked about the importance of experiencing unexpected kindness from others, especially those they perceived as their enemies. HSBC launched its ‘We are not an Island’ campaign in … To contribute to the prevention of radicalisation and processes of de-radicalisation through support measures for families and professionals working with young people, Actions This activity was organised on the occasion of Action Days of the campaign, Counter and alternative narratives as a method Centre de Prévention, de Deradicalisation et de Suivi Individuel (CPDSI), Interesting! United Kingdom and activities in the Euro-Mediterranean countries, Interesting! Hate crime comes in many forms, and examples include: Race – e.g. The video itself can be used as a pedagogical tool: In three months: YouTube views: 555,553; Amnesty International Facebook views: 2.8 million; NowThis News views 10 million; AJ+ views: 15 million! fryshuset.se/in-english The interactive character of the website aims at encouraging others to get involved in fighting hate speech online. In democracies, political campaigns often refer to electoral campaigns, by which representatives are chosen or referendums are decided. The fact that the videos had to be voted for encouraged young people to share them with their friends and acquaintances, and, at the same time, watch the produced videos by other teams, Aim “The second group, I was pretty nice. When the drive to maximise readership is the sole basis on which companies decide where to advertise, media outlets may be motivated to boost their sales – and online “clicks” – by any means they can. The organisation also educates schools, authorities, the police, the correctional system, social workers and parents in how to deal with Nazism / racism. During a rally in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, Trump urged supporters to take on protesters. At an event in Miami, Trump said of a group of protesters, “See, the first group, I was nice. The project plans to expand to other refugee centres and places where young refugees live, Counter and alternative narratives as a method Listed below are some campaign speech examples you can use: 1. Awareness – shift culture by collecting, curating and sharing personal stories of transformation; to raise public awareness by amplifying these stories across multiple platforms, encouraging debate and engaging opinion-formers with the discourse, for example, through the website, (social) media and exhibitions Why Is The Age of Consent in Japan Only 13-Year-Old. Statement from Stop Hate For Profit on July 2020 Ad Pause Success and #StopHateForProfit Campaign At the start of the Stop Hate For Profit campaign, we asked companies to help us send a message that Facebook must stop valuing profits over hate, bigotry, racism, antisemitism, and disinformation. After Kelly received death threats for challenging him, Trump dismissed them, saying “I’m sure they don’t mean that,” and continued “I have gained such respect for the people that like me.”, Rolling Stone’s profile on Trump in September described his reaction when Fiorina came on screen as he was watching the news in his private plane. I don’t know what you’re even talking about with white supremacy or white supremacist. To promote the participation and mobilisation of young people in the defence of human rights, Actions It is not only the facts in the message, but the messengers that make the message credible, Useful tools Chapter 28, ‘Forgiveness and Reconciliation’, from The Community Toolbox, to study forgiveness and reconciliation in community settings, and learn how to apply these concepts to improve individual and community outcomes: ctb.ku.edu/en/table-of-contents/spirituality-and-community-building/forgiveness-and-reconciliation/main, A project by The Media Diversity Institute (UK) and ICFJ (USA) in partnership with CEJI, CIJ, LICRA, and Symbiosis, Geographical scope Amnesty International Poland and Polish ad agency DDB&Tribal applied the theory, developed by psychologist Arthur Aron in 1997, to the refugee crisis, seating refugees from Syria and Somalia opposite people from Belgium, Italy, Germany, Poland and the UK, with overwhelmingly positive results. “He’d go out in a stretcher.” He then added, “I’d like to punch [a protester] in the face.”. No Hate Speech Movement Belgium (French-speaking) – Bureau International Jeunesse (BIJ), Geographical scope For those of you who don't know, a smear campaign is when the narcissist attempts to cause you problems, turn other people against you, and basically ruin your life with lies. epfarmenia.am/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/glossary_eng-1.pdf The association aims at increasing diversity in the media and fostering the interests of media professionals with a migration background, Interesting! Helsinki, but it inspired others in other locations through the online dissemination of the video, Interesting! And I watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Speaking at a high school in New Hampshire, Trump speculated that Syrian refugees could be terrorists, and questioned why Syrians were leaving the war zone en masse. WediActivists . Mostly Europe, but spread globally through social media and news outlets, Learn more Videos, articles and publications, including novels about the stories of young people´s radicalisation journeys and the struggle of their families to find them Actions This experiential method shows how different stories and outcomes are possible when there is a strong sense of justice if people have internalised a narrative of human rights, respect for diversity and equality, Useful tools In this project, young people get help both from professional social workers and from people who have left the Nazi movement themselves. “Where I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters, okay? An Essential Media poll taken late in … “That’s an amazing sight.”, When a Black Lives Matter protester was kicked and pushed to the ground while being removed from a campaign event in Birmingham, a campaign spokeswoman said that the campaign did not condone such behavior. If you do so, you might end up not making sense at all. Young people aged 15-29 were invited to create and submit their own one-minute video through the web of the campaign in Spain www.nohate.es. Along the way, Trump’s supporters have allegedly beaten a hispanic homeless man, threatened mosques, attacked and spat on immigrants, and accosted Black Lives Matter protesters. Though he was repeatedly debunked by fact-checkers, Trump insisted that Muslim Americans cheered the 9/11 attacks. This project demonstrates the possibility to take on the responsibility as a sector to reach all children and youngsters, including young refugees, and offer them these great advantages, Aims The European Network Against Racism (ENAR), Learn more serve2unite.org/soren-lerche This method encourages everyone to be a storyteller and a reader. Not War and Not Peace – documentary (English subtitles), part 1: vimeo.com/11709094; part 2: vimeo.com/11709266 The two guides are available in English, French, Greek and Hungarian, A project by Peaceful gatherings to register dissent, marching together against a joint goal etc., still have as much impact as it once did. To connect young people across the globe, demonstrating interdependence and common humanity, Actions ADL and others, however, have continued to expose egregious examples of online hate, misinformation and extremism across the company’s products, particularly on Facebook and … This is a campaign poster for Calvin Coolidge’s 1924 campaign. The action was supported by the German Hate Destroyer Irmela Mensah-Schramm, who has spent years removing or revising every item of graffiti, sticker and poster inciting discrimination or hatred which she has come across in Berlin, Counter and alternative narratives as a method Tudatos Ifjúságért Alapítvány, Nem Privát Színház, Invisible Heroes. In South Carolina, Trump described the campaign as a war between himself and “enemies” like Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. For example, the 2015 novel La vie après Daesh (in English, Life after ISIS), or Ils cherchent le paradis, ils ont trouvé l’enfer (2014) (in English, They looked for paradise, they found hell), A project by This simulation board game was developed by four young people as a pedagogical tool in educational and awareness-raising activities. Mar 26, 2017 - Explore Julie Newcomer's board "anti hate poster ideas" on Pinterest. To challenge hate speech in the form of graffiti on a wall by transforming the messages and images into a new and positive space of creativity and expression of love, Actions He entered the final stretch before Super Tuesday by initially refusing to condemn white supremacy. Diane Snow, a Donald Trump supporter, cheers at a campaign rally at Cumberland Valley High School. It is intended for young people from 10 years of age, Counter and alternative narratives as a method It invites them to reflect on them, and think about how to respond to them in a creative way. Khizr Khan, the father of the late Army Captain Humayun Khan, spoke out against Trump’s bigoted rhetoric and disregard for civil liberties at the Democratic National Convention on July 28. Orosházi Gyermek- és Ifjúsági Önkormányzat (Children and Youth Self-Government Orosháza), the micro-project was part of a long-term project funded by the EEA Grants: Gentle Words Against Hate, implemented by Hope for Children Hungary – REGY, Geographical scope One of the videos is translated into English (no. Their street actions, festivals, games, videos and posters promote human rights values within their community and online. Today Søren is an educator who mentors at-risk youth and brings international peace agents together, empowering human beings to care for each other worldwide, Counter and alternative narratives as a method He also described some mosques as being “embedded” with hatred, and that “the hatred is greater than anybody understands.”, As a protester was being escorted out of a Worcester, Massachusetts rally after shouting “Trump’s a racist,” Trump remarked, “Isn’t a Trump rally much more exciting than these other ones? Following its success, an exhibition of the posters of the memes was organised; it toured all over Portugal in 2014-2015 and six countries across Europe, Counter and alternative narratives as a method The exhibition travelled to several other cities and was also displayed at the European Youth Centre Budapest on the occasion of the closing conference of the Gentle Words Against Hate project, Interesting! www.coe.int/t/dg4/eycb/Programme/livinglibrary_en.asp and blog.nohatespeechmovement.org/a-living-library-to-say-no-hate-no-extremism, Interesting! They won’t be so much because the courts agree with us too.”, During a speech in Las Vegas, Trump lashed out at a protester who was being removed by security. It is powerful as it builds on the power of a personal encounter and honest dialogue, Aims The project produced a study on public attitudes and trust toward the media and a glossary of hate speech in Armenian and Azerbaijani media; it also offered training courses on unbiased coverage of conflicts for journalists, bloggers and editors, Counter and alternative narratives as a method Make Your Sales Memorable (Brooklinen) It’s a question all marketers consider: How can you sell … The action used a creative art technique to challenge hateful images, and messages challenging a hateful narrative on a public space with one based on the values of respect, human dignity, rights and diversity. A video is available at: serve2unite.org/project/how-did-you-leave-the-gang, Geographical scope When MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski pressed Trump on the feasibility of his plan to deport all undocumented immigrants, he continued to call for mass deportation, and advocated the use of a deportation force. The project’s actions are mostly focused in five countries: Belgium, France, Greece, Hungary and the United Kingdom, but they also engage with groups in other European countries and beyond through their online tools and actions, Interesting! And the fourth group, I’ll say, ‘Get the hell out of here!’”. www.amnesty.org/en/latest/news/2016/05/look-refugees-in-the-eye. Making the videos allowed young people to express their views and engage directly with the campaign, Counter and alternative narratives as a method Don't judge a book by its cover! “I don’t know anything about David Duke. I promise. Is it going through …? The project started in October 2013 in Lisbon with a creative writing workshop and a meeting in which the idea of the No Hate Ninjas came up.