Infinite (no damage drop-off) Star Wars Battlefront 2. You must sign in and sign up for STAR WARS Battlefront 2 and EA emails before you can redeem your [IN-GAME ITEM]. 180 RPM The same locations have been added to offline Instant Action, too. Improved ZoomImproved HandlingBurst Mode ... Informationen Waffen Freischalten 1 RafOne111. Star Wars Battlefront 2: Alle Helden und Schurken in der Übersicht. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Sorry, something has gone wrong. Welcome! Hallo EA. Rate of Fire Mods Sorry, you are ineligible to sign up for this newsletter. Wir werden am Anfang mit dem Grundlegendsten beginnen und das Ideal ist, dass Sie die verbleibenden drei für jede der Klassen freischalten … Rank 10 Folgendes Problem hat sich bei mir ergeben. See here for details. Weapon Type In Star Wars Battlefront 2 (PS4, Xbox One, PC) entscheidet mitunter die Wahl der Waffe über Erfolg und Misserfolg. Limit one emote per account. Rich single-player stories, deep multiplayer combat, and multi-stage space battles are all waiting for you in Star Wars Battlefront II. Overview [edit | edit source] The T-21 handles similarly to its previous iteration. STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II Terms and Conditions *Requires STAR WARS ™ BATTLEFRONT™ II on applicable platform (sold separately), all game updates, internet connection, EA account, and, for console players, Xbox Live Gold or PlayStation Plus membership (each sold separately). Weapon statistics Having fun playing with Tommy and Adam. Wir erklären euch, wie ihr in kurzer Zeit alle Waffen und Aufsätze für jede Klasse in Star Wars Battlefront 2 freischalten könnt. T-21 Unlocked at Rank 10, the T-21 Heavy Blaster deals high damage but has a slow rate of fire. The sequel to EA DICE's reboot of the Star Wars: Battlefront series was announced during an earnings call by EA's CFO, Blake Jorgensen, in May 2016.The game was announced to feature content from "the new movies" with "bigger and better worlds." Available for In Survival, the AI Imperial Shadow Trooper uses the T-21 as its primary weapon in conjunction with its Flash Grenade and special cloaking abilities. In diesem Video geht es darum wie man in Star Wras Battlefront 2 Waffen freischaltet. Star Wars: Battlefront: Renegade Squadron, Weapons in Star Wars Battlefront II (DICE), Der offenbar langwierige Fortschritt in Star Wars Battlefront 2 sorgt auf Reddit für Unmut unter PC-Nutzern, welche den Shooter bereits seit Freitag mit dem Abo-Dien … You’ve already signed up for Star Wars Battlefront II newsletters with the above email. Support your team with these agile and resourceful droids. So startet nicht nur mit Die letzten Jedi die achte Episode der beliebten Saga im Dezember in den Kinos, auch Gamer können sich in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 in neue Schlachten stürzen. "Steady, sturdy, and built for medium to long-range combat distances, the EL-16HFE was the preferred blaster rifle among fighters with the Resistance." The T-21 is a very high-damage weapon, killing most infantry in 2-3 shots while having good accuracy and a reasonably good range at the cost of having a very slow rate of fire, being one of the slowest-firing blasters in the game. Spar on the rain-soaked platforms of Kamino, vie for mastery against the First Order on the tundra of Starkiller Base, and drive Separatist invaders away from the palace in Theed on Naboo. Nach Battlefront-Kontroverse: Aktie von Electronic Arts stürzt ab. Watch it – the new heroes BB-8 and BB-9E are rolling out on the battlefront! This, however, comes at the cost of cutting down even more on the T-21's already limited cooling power and rate of fire. Try out one of the oldest tricks in the book. Fight alongside friends and Heroes on diverse planets from all three cinematic eras of Star Wars. It is best equipped in close- and medium-quarters combat. Star Wars™ Battlefront™ II: Standard Edition. While the Improved Handling modification may decrease recoil and spread, it must be said that the weapon loses its infinite range with it equipped, turning it to a medium-ranged weapon with it. We’re also introducing sequel trilogy locations in Supremacy (before: Capital Supremacy). Range Star Wars Battlefront Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Scoring headshots will be a surefire way to dispatch enemies from a far distance very quickly. It is unlocked after getting 400 online kills with the Specialist class. Star Wars Battlefront Wiki. Star Wars Battlefront 2 added Ewoks today and it's probably the best thing in the game right now. Play as—and against—Star Wars' most feared villains and cherished heroes from all three eras, including Kylo Ren, Rey, Darth Maul, Yoda, and many more. Category:Skins in Star Wars Battlefront II (DICE) | Star Wars Battlefront Wiki | Fandom. The T-21 is a primary weapon for the Heavy class in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II unlocked after getting 50 kills with the Heavy in Co-Op. Please check your spam folder for the above email. Unsubscribe at any time by changing your email preferences. Heavy Range Become the hero and play as a fearless trooper, pilot a legendary starfighter, fight as your favorite iconic Star Wars character, or forge a new path as an elite special forces soldier through an emotionally gripping new Star Wars story. Prerequisites Previous Damage It can be purchased for 2,500 Credits at Rank 10. Du musst dich für den STAR WARS: Battlefront II-Newsletter registrieren, bevor du dein Objekt einlösen kannst. But at the same time I feel they shot for a super casual demographic, and made everything super random ingame so that everybody could at some point during the match get it's "star wars sugar rush" feeling. Wer in "Star Wars: Battlefront 2" als Luke Skywalker oder Darth Vader in Mehrspielerschlachten ziehen möchte, muss diese Helden wie alle anderen erst freispielen bzw. Embark on an all-new Battlefront experience from the bestselling Star Wars™ game franchise of all time. 50 Heavy kills in Co-Op Like its previous iteration, the T-21 is still a great alternative to targeting rifles as it has no damage dropoff, even better when the Scope is equipped. It is able to eliminate most enemies in 2-3 shots depending on the distance. 1,165 likes. Fire three shots per burst, but lowers the damage: Fire three shots per burst, damage becomes: Changes rate of fire to 66 bursts per minute, Modified barrel that allows the blaster to be fired with less recoil and dispersion at the expense of reduced damage output, Enables a three-blast burst mode with each pull of the trigger, The T-21 Heavy Blaster is based on the real-life. — In-game description The NT-242 is a sniper rifle available for the Specialist class in DICE’s Star Wars Battlefront II. It takes 3 shots to eliminate an enemy, 1 with the Burst modification. Though it fires slower than other weapons, it still has its high damage. Das Jahresende bringt jede Menge Nachschub für Star-Wars-Fans. You've successfully signed up to receive emails about Star Wars Battlefront II and other EA news, products, events and promotions. 50-34 Drop-off start: 10 metersDrop-off end: 50 meters At close-range, it will be outmatched by most other weapons with a high rate of fire, such as the DH-17. Während es in Star Wars Battlefront II kein sehr umfassendes Kompendium an Waffen gibt, gibt es für jede Klasse eine Reihe von Waffen. Heavy Blaster Damage Laufen ohne es zu wollen [1; 2] 19 TTV_MindX20. Du kannst dich jederzeit abmelden, indem du deine E-Mail-Voreinstellungen änderst. "As the heaviest longblaster, and considered a tank buster by many, the NT-242 is powerful at range and its disruptor shot can take on enemy vehicles." Unique, upgradable abilities ensure classic characters bring their distinct powers and personality to the battle. Let's Play Star Wars Battlefront 2 Deutscher YoutuberHey Leute, ich hoffe Euch hat das Video gefallen! 180 RPM Im Vergleich zum Vorgänger bietet das Spiel dabei erstmals eine Solo-Kampagne. The latest Star Wars Battlefront II update launches tomorrow, and it’s a packed one! Its only known tradeoff is its slow rate of fire, and in the case of having the Improved Handling modification active, its range drawback. A letter from our Creative Director on The Battle on Scarif Update, the game’s incredible journey through 25 free content updates, and what’s next. Play as—and against—Star Wars' most feared villains and cherished heroes from all three eras, including Kylo Ren, Rey, Darth Maul, Yoda, and many more. T-21 — In-game description The EL-16HFEis a semi-automatic Blaster Rifle in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II available to the Assault class. For longer-range engagements, the T-21B Targeting Rifle is better suited as it is effectively identical to the T-21 but has a scope, extending the effective range of the weapon and permitting some degree of sniping. Read More CHARACTERS FROM EVERY ERA. The T-21 is best used at mid-range. Please check your spam folder for the above email. 0 307 Sonntag von h4ppypommes. Die TL-50 der Schweren Truppler Klasse brauch 500 Kills um freigeschaltet zu werden. Star Wars: Battlefront 2 - Anakin kommt Ende Februar, soll einer der stärksten Helden werden Ab Ende Februar könnt ihr Anakin Skywalker in Star Wars: Battlefront 2 freischalten. The T-21 is a primary weapon for the Heavy class in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront II unlocked after getting 50 kills with the Heavy in Co-Op. Wikis. Pour tous les fans de Star Wars Battlefront II. Unlike other Heavy blasters (except the … Nun wird sie nur nicht freigeschaltet. Damit ihr überhaupt erst alle Waffen der … Trophäen-Leitfaden - Star Wars Battlefront II 1x 2x 15x 23x = 41 | Gesamtpunkte: 1155 Trophäen-Infos: Offline-Trophäen: 20 Online-Trophäen: 21 Verpassbare Trophäen: 0 Verbuggte Trophäen: 2 Automatische Trophäen: 13 Allgemeine Infos: Der Schwierigkeitsgrad ist … General Weapon Statistics The T-21 is a very powerful weapon that retains its high damage even in very high ranges, especially with the Burst modification. Pilot vehicles from all three eras of Star Wars. While the first game's T-21 had no scope, Battlefront II introduces a new Scope modification that allows it to be used in longer-ranged situations. Sign up for the Star Wars Newsletter and receive the exclusive in-game "Not the Droids" emote. Solved: So I got 18+ hours in Battlefront 2 and the weapons are not unlocking even though I completed the milestones of 50 kills. If you still have troubles receiving the emails, please contact EA. Cooling Power The T-21 is a robust heavy blaster that delivers massive damage at long ranges. Bienvenue! Register Start a Wiki. Its only drawback is … 65 In addition, equipping the Burst modification turns it into an even more powerful weapon, hitting its full damage three times per burst (195 in total - enough to kill three of the four Infantry classes and deal high damage to a majority of Reinforcements and Heroes in the game) without any compromise to its range. Rate of fire With Improved Zoom and Improved Handling modifications, With Improved Zoom and Burst Mode modifications, With Improved Handling and Burst Mode modifications, With Improved Handling and Improved Zoom modifications, With Burst Mode and Improved Zoom modification, With Burst Mode and Improved Handling modification. Star Wars Battlefront 2 is one of the free games available to PlayStation Plus members in June 2020, so players are beginning to jump back in. 12 shots. Comparing it with the Specialist weapons, its damage is almost equal with the IQA-11. Attack and defend the MC85 Star Cruiser or the Resurgent-class Star Destroyer looming above the thrilling high-agency battles on Ajan Kloss, Jakku, and Takodana. For all fans of Star Wars Battlefront II. Credits ausgeben in Star Wars Battlefront 2 – So geht’s. Or live the untold Star Wars story of Iden, an elite special forces soldier, in an original story campaign. Maybe battlefront 2 will be a much better game. Unsubscribe at any time by changing your email preferences. Star Wars Battlefront 2: Angriffsklasse Loadout – Sternkarten, Waffen und Tipps 15.01.2021, 17:27 Star Wars Battlefront 2: Schnell alle Waffen und Aufsätze freischalten Please use the email associated with the EA account you will use to play Star Wars Battlefront II. Wenn ihr nicht die Celebration-Edition von Star Wars Battlefront 2 spielt, sondern eine andere Variante des Games besitzt, könnt ihr Credits ausgeben, um kosmetische Gegenstände zu kaufen. 1,933 Pages. The T-21 is one of the few blasters to have no scope attached. T-21 is one of the Weapons in the game Star Wars: Battlefront.. Summary. 2,500 Credits Take control of massive AATs, sleek starfighters, thundering walkers, and your favorite hero ships. It's kinda sad that when doing the things right, they end up doing it all wrong. Explore Wikis; Community Central; Start a Wiki; Search This wiki This wiki All wikis | Sign In Don't have an account? It is unlocked after eliminating 400 enemies with the Assault. You've successfully signed up to receive emails about Star Wars Battlefront II and other EA news, products, events and promotions. At longer ranges, the lack of optics combined with the moderate travel time of the projectiles and damage fall-off will greatly hinder the weapon's effectiveness. Unlocked at The T-21 Heavy Blaster is one of four Heavy Blasters in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront. The T-21 is the most powerful heavy blaster out of the other four. As such, consistent and good accuracy is paramount for effective use of this weapon as the slow rate of fire leaves the user very vulnerable to close range attackers and every missed shot will have a noticeable impact on the time it takes to kill an opponent. You must sign up for the STAR WARS Battlefront 2 newsletter before you can redeem your item. In January 2017, the EA Star Wars Twitter page revealed that th… The T-21 is the primary weapon of Emperor Palpatine's Royal Guards. Unlike other Heavy blasters (except the TL-50) it takes a shorter time to cool down. Fehlerbehebung in STAR WARS™ Battlefront™ II Sollten beim Installieren oder Spielen von STAR WARS Battlefront II Probleme auftreten, findest du hier aktuelle Updates und Problemlösungen. Nun habe ich mir die Mühe gemacht und dies getan. Finde heraus, was die Sammlung in STAR WARS Battlefront II ist, wie sie funktioniert, und wie du sie erweiterst. The weapon has neither scope nor iron sight, so there is minimal zooming. General Details Du hast dich erfolgreich für den Erhalt von E-Mails zu Star Wars Battlefront II und anderen EA-News, Produkten, Events und Aktionen registriert. Battle on land and in space in a vastly-expanded multiplayer experience with legendary heroes and villains, thrilling space combat, and a deep progression and customization system. Unlock cost Unless you have the Burst modification, the T-21 won't do you any good in short distances, for it has very slow rate of fire; in closer-ranged fights, it is better to equip the other Heavy weapons, like the TL-50 or DC-15LE. Learn everything about the new Star Wars Battlefront II: Celebration Edition and thrilling Star Wars™: The Rise of Skywalker™ content! Please try again later. The T-21 handles similarly to its previous iteration. How do I solve this TL-50 The T-21 is a Heavy Blaster in DICE's Star Wars Battlefront and Star Wars Battlefront II that has a slow rate of fire but deals high damage per shot. You’ve already signed up for Star Wars Battlefront II newsletters with the above email. Games Movies TV Video. Several sandtroopers can be seen wielding T-21 Heavy Blasters on Tatooine in, Introduces damage drop-off starting at 20 meters and ending at 40 meters, Decreases minimum damage beyond 40 meters from 65 to 35, Decreases minimum DPS beyond 40 meters from 195 to 105, Introduces burst mode that fires three shots per burst, increasing damage per shot from 65 to 150, increases to 195 if paired with Improved Handling, Changes rate-of-fire from 180 RPM to 66 BPM (bursts per minute).