Carries missile launchers capable of hitting a target 30 miles away. Cloudraker often acts frustrated, cannot reach escape velocity and achieve orbit. He can quickly whisk information from one place to another. As helicopter, goes 300 mph with a range of 1200 miles. He is binary bonded to Crosshairs. One of the fastest Autobots, and often uses his speed to draw fire away from others. Carries four particle-beam cannons and heat-seeking photon missiles. So full of ideas that he often begins disclosing a new one before he finishes explaining an old one. Hound loves the natural wonders of Earth, prefers it to Cybertron. Talks to himself in a song-song backward way: "Destroy the Autobots I shall. Acts as radio link for others. Range: 450 miles. Soundwave Barricade. Doesn't listen to anyone, particularly his friends. Loves the ocean and its creatures... unhappy when he returns to land and reverts to robot form. Likes attacking large or moving objects, climbing tall buildings, and sinking ships. He will not ever win a Mr. The two only cooperate when their lives depend on it. Has head-mounted laser cannon. Can alter his body mass to a larger size for transporting troops/cargo. Carries fireball cannon... shoots 2000 degree bursts of blue fire 1.5 miles. One of the older Nebulans to join the Autobots, Recoil was a former All-World Prismaball champion on his home planet, until age finally caught up with him. War-weary Autobot who must be repeatedly persuaded to join the others. Resolute, fair, and courageous beyond reproach. He tends to follow rules too closely. Shovel can slice through 12 in. Wheeljack is the mad scientist of the Autobots. It was not confirmed if he was the son of Shawn Berger or is the full name of Shawn Berger. Great deals on Shockwave Transformers Action Figures. Would rather be scrapped than lose. Spoilsport has a rather appropriate moniker, given that he spoils the fun of his partner Sureshot by being an equally good marksman. Flying range of 800 miles using solid-fuel rockets in arms. Later versions portray Thundercracker and Scourge as separate entities. Serving as Megatron's "pet mad scientist" and second-in-command, he saw to the fighter's armament during his rise to prominence, all the while fantasizing on the prospect of mass-producing such warriors. Later media depicts Scoruge as a separate entity from Thundercracker. Builds mecha-nests atop tall buildings and mountains; composed of late model sports cars, wings of jets, theater marquees. However, when the Ark crashed onto Earth, Shockwave followed in the Decepticon ship, but the planet's magnetic fields caused that ship to crash in the Savage Land. Flies at speeds up to 250 mph. Insatiable lust for destruction. Has pinpoint accuracy, high-powered particle beam. Travels long distances with pogo-like motion. Allgemeines Transformers TCG; Weiss Schwarz; YuGiOh! Usually too busy laughing uncontrollably and drooling out oil to look where he is shooting. Thankfully, Meg… The most disgusting of all Transformers. Thundercracker is contemptuous of anything that cannot fly. Dion is an earnest dock worker and best friend to Orion Pax. Like Raoul, he has a predilection for making pop culture references. His fire truck hose shoots high-pressure water 1200 feet. Studio Paramount und Spielzeughersteller Hasbro scheinen sich nun endlich geeinigt zu haben. Equipped with powerful drone rockets and incendiary guns. Left rear tower transforms into tank, Slammer, who has rocket-propelled mortar cannon. Prone to mechanical failures due to advanced technology. Has laser scalpels, arc-welders, electron microscopes, circuit sensors, fluid dispensers at his disposal. Has a habit of grinding his teeth before he strikes—annoying his friends and tipping off his enemies. As laser gun, can emit lethal beams of energy from anywhere on the electromagnetic spectrum: gamma rays, x-rays, light, infrared rays, radio waves, etc. Difficult for him to adapt to new situations or be innovative due to limited mental functions. Doesn't follow plans – or roads! Temporarily goes into exile after last being seen in. Zustand He is a typical adolescent who dreams of being heroic and important. Great deals on Shockwave 1980-2001 Transformers & Robots Action Figures. In later versions, Megatron and Galvatron appear as separate entities. A self-righteous snob. Range of 800 miles... can go over very rugged terrain. Carries two radar-guided, free-electron lasers that detect the presence of an object as small as a fly. In unserem Online-Shop für Transformers Spielzeug finden Sie viele tolle Actionfiguren zum Spielen und Sammeln mitbeeindruckenden Funktionen. Paired with the cowardly Nebulan, Aimless, a former construction engineer who had one too many buildings collapse due to poor design; now he doesn't care enough about anything to even bother aiming when he shoots as an ion particle blaster. In robot mode, uses electrical overload guns. Uncomfortable in the mantle of leadership, but presents strong profile as a commander. Eons after the Dynasty of Primes were vanquished, Cybertron fell into dark times. She worries that others, either friends or enemies, don't take her seriously and dismiss her as simply being cute. In the forefront of any situation he is involved in. Transformers 3 - Dark of the Moon. A menace on highways. Bonnie Carlson is a news anchor for KSUN TV. Those who know him, though, say that Peacemaker has actually made progress in improving the dour Autobot's world view. Wading up to his neck in grease is his idea of a good time. A clanking, crushing terror that destroys all in his path – the ultimate Decepticon weapon if he wasn't so confused by the opposing thoughts of the 5 Stunticons who comprise him. Lightens the situation for all Autobots with his good-natured manner. Look out motorists – he exults in the accidents he causes! Für das Drehbuch wurden James Vanderbilt, der das Drehbuch zu David Finchers Serienkillerfilm „Zodiac“ gesch… kam Optimus Prime wieder in die Schlacht .Dieser versuchte Shockwave zu töten, musste aber auf seinem Wege dutzende Decepticons töten.Nachdem ihm dies gelungen war schlug der Autobot Anführer ihn so hart ,das ein Teil seines Bauches zerbrach, doch das tötete den Decepticon nicht.Der Prime schlug noch einmal und warf ihn zu Boden und riss dem hilflosen Decepticon dessen Auge raus,wodurch er letztendlich starb. Shockwaves Aufgabe war es nach Tschernobyl zu gehen um dort die gefundene Komponente der Ark zufinden, jedoch zog er sich zurück, als er Optimus begegnete. If Aerialbots needed pilots' licenses, he'd never have gotten his... a hazard in the skies. The Geddis brothers are a pair of two-bit New York-based gangsters, who aren't beyond selling their own race out to the Decepticons for a quick buck. In. She is eternally in love with the heroic Optimus Prime. Instead, she spends most of her time throwing herself lavish parties and wondering why nobody wants to be her friend. He has a motto or word of advice for any situation and he is as brave and loyal as they come. In robot mode, carries two sonic boom rifles; one blast can shatter foot-thick steel. Has blinding black beam gun. Has great strength, equipped with data processing, communications, radar equipment. Views humans as if they were his own children – will expend his last drop of fuel to protect them. Shows no mercy to Autobots who happen to be on the highway with him. Although autonomous in his own right, with an impulsive and sociable personality, Scamper is an extension of Metroplex, and commonly patrols the peripheries of the giant Autobot's city form in his sports car mode alongside Slammer. Die wohl bekannteste Waffe des Decepticons ist seine am rechten Arm befestigte Fusionskanone, die auch zum Zuschlagen dient. Corey Burton: Unknown but probably presume he died Cold, brutal, scientific approach to war. Transformers Wiki ist eine Fandom-TV-Community. "No exceptions!" Daniel Witwicky is the human son of Spike and Carly Witwicky. Harold had the bad luck of "starring" in a science fiction film along with Karen Fishook whose director became obsessed with using Hoist and several of the Autobots as his main characters (likely saving loads on his FX budget). Believes in being maximally operational every moment of one's life. Twin exhaust pipes emit corrosive gases that can dissolve 2" thick steel slab in 10 minutes. In robot mode can attract lightning bolts to antennae and shoot them out hands. Unquenchable thirst for knowledge... seeks it to exclusion of all else... Main role is to study the best ways the Autobots can adapt to Earth. Incredibly powerful and intelligent. As robot has high-temperature arc-welder rifle... can launch rockets 4.5 miles from wrist sockets. Can trigger alarms in other Autobots. Rash, not too bright. Despair and isolation are all that remain in his wake. Forces Autobots off roads and Aerialbots to abort landings just for fun. Very popular. Why do the Decepticons always get the good stuff?! Trivia: Don Messick had a 2-word spoken line in The TF Movie as Scavenger, where he calls Daniel a "human germ", but was not credited for it. Can pinpoint and photograph a thumbtack from 20 miles away. Uses friction rifle that increases kinetic energy of its target's molecules for five minutes. Vulnerable to thermal and electromagnetic interference. Will run for safety if threatened. Es apegado a sus objetivos, ya que siempre está centrado en ellos. Like Astrotrain, he believes the poor should be exploited, the weak oppressed, and the noble corrupted. Can be baited into dangerous situations, but is a very calm, competent and ruthless war machine. Wissenschaftler Here, she is able to get rid of her uncontrollable powers, gets new powers, and joins the Undersiders. Has particle-beam rifle with infra-red sight, and laser-guided sword. Considers himself the most sophisticated and handsome of Decepticons. Staunch friend to the Dinobots and a reliable ally for Hot Rod and Kup. Carries a sonic stun gun and a missile cannon. Uses big words no one else understands. Can survive a collision with anyone, except Optimus Prime. Aristocratic, aloof – disguises his long distance loneliness. Kup sees himself as a seasoned campaigner with more knowledge and experience to share. Carries laser guided missiles and uses nega-gun that crumbles objects by breaking molecular bonds. Once he starts running wild he is unstoppable. After contacting Astrotrain for an update on their project, he tracked Divebomb's radiation trail back to Starscream's current base of operations, in a junkyard on the outskirts of Mexico City. The Return of Optimus Prime (Part 2) and Call of the Primitives, A Decepticon Raider in King Arthur's Court, Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 (Unported) (CC-BY-SA) license,, Transformers Prime Beast Hunters: Predacons Rising,, Lists of characters in American television animation, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. They constructed Ramhorn, the rhino, who can use animalistic force if cornered, and Steeljaw, the lion, who can crawl through the foliage of any alien world, to sneak up on Decepticons. Poplock is a member of the Bop Crew. Trithyllium-steel skin makes him nearly invulnerable to attack. Spoilsport likes to shoot and show off on his own. Futuristische Waffensysteme, realistische Licht- und Soundeffekte oder innovativeTransformations- und Abwehrmechanismen: In den Produktbeschreibungen informieren wir … Tail can shatter 20 foot concrete cube. Cruises at 500 mph... can increase power output and speed to 3200 mph for short periods. Only redeeming quality is he speaks well of those he is sent to "the great junkyard in the sky," his phrase for destruction. Would be useless without Megatron's supervision. Seeks human friendship, but humans fear his hulking, mechanical form. Cybertronier Lacks self-esteem and often asks to be left behind. Often injured while experimenting with new weapons. Uses twin vaporators, which shoot mists of oxidizing, freezing, and corrosive liquids; and photon pistol. Casts powerful magnetic fields which can attract or repel large metal objects. Scourge's only weakness is his arrogance. troy. Charismatic, inspiring... other Protectobots have difficulty keeping up with his non-stop pace. Thrives on wheeling and dealing, works for his own personal material advancement. Range: 4 miles. Though he loves the ladies, he surprisingly doesn't have the greatest luck there, since few want to spend much time with a man who's so focused on being prettier than they are. Uses two independently targetable laser cannons with extreme precision to get information from captives. Gruff, but kind. The Transformers (IDW): Shockwave. This Dinobot's kind, good-natured side disguised by his horrifying form... even his comrades shy away. Oldest, toughest, most battle-tested Autobot. In robot mode, has 10-Megawatt electron gun. Uses underhanded tactics when absolutely necessary. Brave, fearless, loyal. In Binaltech, Lord Chumley is a member of the Concurrence; a version of the character also appears in Transformers: Rescue Bots. The loyal and honorable Decepticon warrior often finds himself at odds with the very dishonorable Nightstick and generally considers him an irritating pest. Doesn't pay attention to where he is going since he is too busy marvelling at scenery. In car mode, maximum speed: 478 mph. Can demolish a battleship with one blow. Explodes into furious, ferocious action when it's time to strike. In city mode, has helipad and fully equipped repair bays that can handle four vehicles at once. Die KSI stellte aus Shockwaves Überresten einen neuen Transformer .Einen zweiköpfigen Shockwave. Locates and identifies Autobots, then informs Decepticons. Prone to overheating. Uses electrostatic discharger rifle in robot mode. In insect mode this Insecticon can fly 5.7 miles. Verstorben Corey Gregg Weinberg, better known as Corey Burton, is an American voice actor, best known as the current voicesof Ludwig Von Drake, Captain Hook, Dale, and many other characters for numerous Disney projects, as well as several characters from Star Wars: The Clone Wars (including Count Dooku, Cad Bane, and Ziro the Hutt) and other animations. Carries concussion rifle in robot mode. In tank mode, maximum speed: 155 mph. Optimus Prime is supportive since he is hard-working and loyal, but he secretly lacks self-confidence. A giant (the TV show doesn't do his size justice; see the comic) six-changer Decepticon with a vile, nasty, murderous disposition. Anything less than dangerous is boring to him. Yet it was this combination of knowledge and skill, along with the combined input of his future partner, that allowed the creation of the Binary Bonding process. Flies at 250 mph... air-to-air missile launcher under each wing fires missiles equivalent of 5000 lbs. Uses photon pistol. In vehicle mode, uses two gravity-rod rifles to cause objects to float away or crash to the ground. Transformers - Actionfigur Shockwave SG-14 Siege: War for Cybertron Leader Edition Decepticon Shockwave als hochwertige Action- und Sammlerfigur der Siege: War for Cybertron Series (Leader Variant) Shockwave war ein ehemaliges Mitglied im wissenschaftlichen Bereich der industriellen Stadt Kaon und schloss sich Megatron an. His devotion to warfare makes him hard to deal with on a personal level. He can be hotheaded, but he is always a well meaning, admirable lad and a brave and honorable fighter. Nemesis Prime is a major antagonist from the Transformers franchise. His manic attack can be countered with cool logic. Bubble Guppies (2011 TV Show) Bubble Puppy. The Decepticons were led by Megatron. Leader of the Technobots. mushroom madness 2. eb2. Then he can show off his razor-sharp teeth, piercing pronghorns, and steel-shredding claws. Hologram gun projects 3-dimensional grid laser-light topographical maps. It’s either a Cybertronian tank or a self propelled cannon. While helping to keep Nebulos safe is part of why he agreed to undergo binary bonding to become a Targetmaster, a large part was to prove to himself as much as to others that he still had what it takes. In robot mode, has a compressor-air gun that shoots a 40,000 psi blast of air. Not too sociable, but absolutely reliable. Kauf auf Rechnung Schnelle Lieferung Kostenloser Rückversand. Megatron would sooner melt him than talk to him, but knows he is even worse company for the Autobots. In car mode, engine emits vibrations that cause mechanical failures in other vehicles; prone to leaky fuel pump. Considers long-range air attacks unsporting, cowardly. Flies at mach 2.5, can double speed in 20 seconds for up to two minutes. Driller is a worm-like Decepticon who appeared in Transformers: Dark of the Moon. As a Targetmaster, he is paired with Haywire, excitable Nebulan teenager whose impulsiveness makes him a chancy electro-laser cannon, at best. Wheels allow limited land travel. Prefers brute force over reason and will NEVER back down from a challenge. Pointblank doesn't feel the Autobots should have involved the Nebulans in the war to begin with, and so disapproves of his partner and his advice on principle. Shockwave Laser Cannon More Than Meets the Eye (Part 1) The Transformers: The Movie. His nose module can withstand impact of three-foot thick concrete at 1500 mph. A wise-cracking, sharp witted adventurer. Uses a scatter blaster that sprays explosive pellets, gyro gun that disrupts Transformers' balance center. If Frenzy needed to breathe, war would be his oxygen. Él es de los cuantos Decepticons que podrían rivalizar con Optimus Prime o Megatron, pero por motivos de lealtad, únicamente Prime es su objetivo principal. His partner resents his interference, and in his turn, the Nebulan resents Sureshot for his lack of appreciation. Possesses acute military prowess. Lack of sunlight hampers the guns' performance. He spends most of his time primping and polishing either Chromedome or himself, and is renowned on Nebulos for his exquisite taste and dashing good looks. Can jam radio transmissions. As robot has electron-scimitar and gyro-blaster rifle. Wreck-Gar is the leader of the Junkions, a race of junk robots, which live on the planet also named Junkion. Ravage operates best alone. Tear them to scrap I will." Flies at Mach 2.6, range 1400 miles. Likely to trace any scent. Not totally convinced of the Decepticons' cause, but they've persuaded him to continue battling the Autobots. Reaches a top speed of 140 mph and can shatter a 20-foot concrete block. (Usually) the leader of the Constructicons. He is supposedly hyper-intelligent with an infinity of intricate plans nested within plans, but he sometimes over-thinks things to the point of coming off as rather dim, his major claim to fame is being responsible for building Unicron at the dawn of the galaxy. Others' pain is his sole pleasure. Shockwave began following the exploits of Earth's stranded Transformers from afar, and derided its war's combatants as idiots after watching a skirmish in California. Pound Puppies (2010) (2010 TV Show) Daphne's Dad Lackey Security Guard (2) Napoleon Pink Parrot. Vulnerable to nighttime attacks due to his weaker state. He has his own ship, the Lazy Sue (which he probably won in a game of space poker), and hails from Epsilon Ariadne, EDC officer Marissa Faireborn has a thing for him. Shockwaves tod hatte Nitro Zeus sehr verärgert.Deshalb reiste er zur Erde um Optimus Prime einen Besuch abzustatten, jedoch wurde er von den Menschen gefangen genommen und zur N.B.E Supermax gebracht. The idealistic teenager never has an unkind word for anybody and serves as a shining example of the best the Nebulan Headmasters have to offer, it's a pity, then, that Gort was partnered with his polar opposite, the elitist snob Highbrow, who takes considerable offense to being binary bonded with what he sees as a mere commoner. Lord Mo Zarak is a powerful and corrupt Nebulan leader who transforms into the head of Scorponok. In battle station mode, Trypticon uses Brunt's turret as his main cannon. As car or robot uses launcher to fire heat-seeking incendiary missiles 60 miles. In robot or creature modes, uses slime gun to shoot stream of corrosive liquid. Prone to rash judgements which can lead to injury to himself and comrades. Human mechanic, father of Spike Witwicky, father-in law of Carly Witwicky, and grandfather of Daniel Witwicky. Shockwave (Transformers) Knockout; Breakdown (Transformers) Gay Sex; Sub Megatron; Summary. Most adept at driving while in car mode. It cannot help that Sureshot is a jerk, of course, and presumably he never calls. Unhappy with unglamorous role, but understands its importance... helps build Decepticons' massive energy-recovery installations. Compassionate, cautious – will restrict an Autobot to repair bay for faulty directional signal. Carries 4 exterior fuel tanks, capacity 1600 gallons, as a reserve for himself and his comrades. Shoots magnetic inducer, shrapnel-needle and gyro-inhibitor shells from his shoulder cannons. Can exert 40,000 psi via feet – enough to shatter a bridge. Their best known leader is Megatron. Flies at 26,000 mph, stays in orbit for eight months. In vehicle mode, durabyllium – steel alloy drill can pierce almost any material; 2 rocket-propelled missiles use vidicon cameras to lock onto targets. Don't touch him if you value your life, 'cause he will smash you. Extremely modest about his achievements... berates himself for not doing more. Launches to height of 20 miles, floats down on compressed air. The dependable, resourceful, and stoic Duros is a great addition to the Autobot army, but his eager desire for action and love of combat have made him an outsider among the naturally peaceful Nebulans and has led him to be shunned even by his family and, most painfully, his now estranged wife. Primacron built the Oracle to help him create life, but the Oracle's corporeal existence was cut short after the birth of Unicron. In scorpion mode, tail shoots 100,000 volt electric bursts, has twin pulse blasters, claws can crush mountains. Twin electron blaster of 20,000 volts can short-circuit almost anything. Uses acids and bonding agents to reduce and recombine almost anything inside mixing drum... a chemistry lab on wheels. Common SDK-044 $1.36 $0.59 View. Animated series. Seine stärkste Waffe war ein riesiger Deception namens Driller der die Form eines riesigen Wurms hatte. Any organic creature whose status on the evolutionary scale ranks higher than a slime mold, particularly Autobots, sends him into a ferocious frenzy. Brave, grimly determined warrior, but he struggles to maintain that image in order to hide his phobia. Small, eager, and brave, Bumblebee acts as a messenger, scout, and spy. I’m not really sure what Shockwave transforms into. awesome tanks 2. zombie fight club. In reptile mode, carbon-steel claws and teeth can cut through almost anything. In jet mode, has side-mounted, rapid-fire photon-pulse guns. Fires particle beam fusion cannon. Du kannst dem Transformers Wikia helfen. His is a simple life of manual labor, and he does not give a second thought to the stories that a war may be brewing around him. Being a clone of Optimus, he possesses his powers and skills, as well as his appearance. Charming but cruelly clever... makes friends so he can influence them to do his bidding by digging up facts he can hold against them. Not too strong or mobile as robot. Can be blinded. Scared of heights. In, Transformers: The Headmasters”, Blurr and Kup left with Rodimus Prime to find a new home for the Autobot’s after Cybertron was destroyed. Prefers devising sinister schemes to actual combat, but a relentless, furious fighter when stirred into action. As AM/FM stereo cassette player, he can perform as deck plus receive radio signals of all frequencies with power outputs as low as 1/1,000,000 watt. Beneath his meek and reserved exterior, however, young Firebolt yearned for a life of action and excitement. Fires wire-guided incendiary missiles and high-corrosive acid pellets. Can destroy his enemies with ultrasonic waves and smash metal bridges with a single chop of his hand. Possesses enough strength to pulverize an Autobot into scrap metal. Mickey Mousekersize (2011 Short) Figaro. Top speed of 1500 mph. As the most trusted lieutenant of Optimus Prime, he will do whatever it takes to protect earth and its people. Slow and methodical – weathers artillery fire with the same calm he endures criticism of his apparent laziness. Rude, gruff, and direct. Often mopes about his handicaps, but his bravery and defensive prowess is unquestioned. Duros was born to be a soldier on a world without war. Wild and unpredictable. Lightning fast reflexes. Displays a zest for his job unmatched by fellow Autobots. He idolizes the bigger Autobots, especially Optimus Prime and Prowl, and strives to be accepted. Entre y conozca nuestras increíbles ofertas y promociones. Sir Aetheling the Red is a feudal lord in the year 542 on Earth and is father to Princess Nimue. At times he laughs so hard at his jokes he blows internal circuits and disables himself. The right machine for the right job. Chromedome in return tries to get Stylor to be a little less superficial. After the death of her father, Astoria Carlton-Ritz inherited his vast fortune as well as his company, Hybrid Technologies. Abdul Ben Faisal is the greatest sage in all of. Swiftest Autobot. Prefers hunting turbofoxes on Cybertron with his high-priced friends. Spreading fear is his favorite pastime. Pure brutality – sole purpose is to crush all in his path. Trap Hole. Large golden plates on spinal assembly are solar collectors... strength increases tenfold in sunlight. Nasty, mean-spirited... often the other Autobots will not help when he is in trouble. He can go underwater for reconnaissance and salvage missions. One of the younger Nebulans to binary bond to a Transformer, Haywire is very much of the "act first, think later"-impulsive-teenage mold. A wizard at designing fortresses and energy plants, but modest. Duros shuts the pain that his failed personal life causes him away and focuses instead on being the soldier he always felt destined to be. Like piranhas, Sharkticons attack their prey. In robot mode, uses semi-automatic sonic blaster pistol. Light-sensitive. As a Targetmaster, he is binary-bonded to Recoil, an old style musket laser and former all-world prismaball player. Optimistic and good humored. Facebookpräsenz zum Blog - Liberalkonservative Seite - Beiträge zu Politik, Gesellschaft und Zeitgeschehen Transforms to battle station and city modes. There, he was confronted by the Dinobots and their battle brought them to a tar pit that held them in stasis for millions of years. Several of them have proven to be recurring characters. Has no heart and is nothing more than a killing machine. Extremely agile in jeep mode; can go into flips and rolls with very little loss in speed. Als die Cons davon abgelenkt waren befreite sich der Autobot Bumblebee aus Soundwaves Händen und tötete ein paar Decepticons, unter anderem Soundwave. His charge is virtually unstoppable – can knock a train off its tracks or upend an 18-wheeler with one blow. High-strung, unnerved by quiet, expert marksman. Absent minded. Doesn't stop blasting until he is hip-deep in smoking rubble. Flies at speeds up to 1500 mph... produces controlled, deafening sonic booms – can be heard for 200 miles. In vehicle mode, maximum ground speed: 250 mph; maximum air speed: 580 mph. Wields powerful x-ray laser cannon. Formerly known as Ariel, Elita One is a devoted Autobot and powerful warrior, fearless in the face of the enemy, but compassionate to those who need her help.